The Night Elvis saved a teen getting ATTACKED by 2 men

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*REMINDER: These videos are for YOUR ENTERTAINMENT. The subjects and claims in these videos come from the people who were there. We can’t know for certain if any of it is FACT or not. So, take these all with a grain of salt. It’s for YOU to interpret it as you see it. I do hope though you enjoy them.
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Elvis never forgot where he came from, while h could have easily just drive away he jumped out of the car to help the young man and defuse the situation. Elvis may have had his personal problems but he was a good man.


He was selfless till the bitter end. Elvis had one huge heart. Love this story ❤


I can imagine the faces of those guys when they realize who HE was....----****Oh !!! my God, it s they re still alive, I m sure they ll remember that night. till they what a night, it was such a night****Being rescued by the s one chance in a million....ELVIS, was not afraid, HE was not a yellow....If you re looking for trouble, you came to the right place, and that night ELVIS was at the right LIVE THE KING****


I remember reading about this in the Tabloids. Just another class act by Elvis, Protecting the underdog. Elvis has done so many good things for people and society, it's a shame that some of this goes unknown - but I do think Elvis wanted that way . Thanks for getting this out to us


Elvis is a dear to help that man. Love you Elvis Darling 🌹💓💓🌹💐🙏💓💓💓🌹


I heard an interview from one of the King's bodyguards. He said said Elvis would always talk to fans out in public. If he wanted to cut the conversation short, he (Elvis) had a hand signal for his bodyguard. When he did it, his bodyguard would cut in and say something like "we're running late, let's go King." He appreciated his fans. RIP King


I love Elvis ! He was such a hero all the way around! What a man ! Every woman who was around him had to of felt so safe with him always! I love how he was never afraid of nothing or no one in this life !! 😍😘🤗♥️ here’s to you Elvis ! Where ever you are !


Ci sono persone che parlano sempre male di ELVIS, additandolo come un drogato ( LUI NON LO ERA e NON LO e’ MAI STATO, ma ERA MALATO ) e altre cose che e’ meglio non scrivere. Ma non dicono mai il bene che ha fatto a migliaia di persone, iniziando dai bambini e alle persone malate. ELVIS ci ha insegnato ad amare, come a lui lo hanno insegnato i loro genitori, specialmente la sua adorata mamma GLADIS . Il cuore del grande RE, batte in ogni suo fans che lo ama sinceramente . 👑❤️⚡️🇺🇸🙅🥰🇮🇹❤️


OMG, HE's still the coolest guy in the GALAXY 😉🕺🥇


Great story! ELVIS was the king of cool!


WOW. Is this true? It certainly is in keeping with another (not published) story about Elvis and a homeless family in an old broken down car on the side of the road. He rescued them and helped them get back on their feet

If I make the cut I hope to meet up with Elvis someday in heaven and shake his hand and thank him.
1 For being such a caring human being while he was here.
2 for all the GREAT entertainment he provided me here in this life.


Wow! What a wonderful story- I've never heard that! Elvis was such a kind, giving person, and this story sure demonstrates this! ❤


I've read about this story before, just shows what a selfless man Elvis was, always put others before himself.

He saw that young boy was in trouble and without a thought for his own safety, was more concerned for the young lad.

Peacekeeper extraordinaire!

Did whatever he felt he had to, do then merrily went on his way.



I love these stories about Elvis Presley. It is so wonderful to read that Elvis always helped people in need. Elvis not only donated to 50 charities on a regular basis, but also always spontaneously helped people when he saw people in need.


I thought I'd heard every story about Elvis, but not this one. Every story I've heard was so cool. I love the story of when Elvis stopped to help a couple who's car gave out while they were traveling. He stopped to talk to them, told them not to worry, and to wait there he'd send help. A bit later a man from an auto dealership came to them and handed them the keys to a brand new car. Now that was the sign of a wonderful and caring man. 🥰


Elvis♡ is from another planet. He is a hero !


He's the only person you can actually call "cool " in my opinion!! Nice video! Thank you so much!!🙂


That was Elvis always there to help someone.


That’s a good ol’ Southern boy for you. Doesn’t let an injustice go on. YEA ELVIS! ALWAYS the KING!!! 🥰😍


Elvis Presley loves All Man He Is Like Jesus Christ but Only A Human
