The Spring And Summer Survival Guide For Germany | Travel And Get Germanized

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You want to know how to survive Spring and Summer in Germany? What clothes you need to bring and what weather to expect? What Germans do during Summer/Spring and how bad Summer in Deutschland really is? What clothing style is normal in Germany? Then this Get Germanized Summer and Spring in Germany survival guide is for you! Prepare yourself for your next Deutschland travel adventure and German Summer or Spring! Today it's all about surviving (in) Germany!


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Fun fact, last summer in Bulgaria we had German summer and when I went to Berlin for my holiday around July - August my skin turned red at 40 degrees most days.


All I know is that the first person I hear complaining that it’s too hot this summer is going to get drop kicked. I’m talking like Mike Haggar from Final Fight drop kicked. It’s been such a lousy winter here in Pennsylvania. Enjoy and travel lots!


I don't know if the summers here will change to what we had in 2018. But I hope they will not. It was really brutal. Okay, a Texan or an Australian might say: "What are you talking about? Try our summers!" But to most Germans it just was too much of summer and ongoing temperatures over 35° Celsius.
And there was this incident with the German armed forces close to where Dominik lives. Tiger attack helicopters did missile tests in a military training area. One of the missiles accidently hit a bog. The bog was so dry it caught fire. The first attempt to extinguish the fire failed because of a technical problem with the fire truck. The second fire truck was under repair... The fire got some time to spread and in the end it took september and october to get it under control. About 1000 hectare have been burned and during the worst days over 1700 fire fighters have been fighting the fire. @Dominik: What did you experience during those weeks? Have you been able to smell or see the smoke? Have roads been closed or something like that?


Yessss BBQ is a big part of German culture, it’s not even funny. If you haven’t BBQed with Germans you haven’t seen all of the culture.
It’s the best way to get to know people, because there’s basically no German who _doesn‘t_ like to BBQ.


Omg the drone shot at 5:06 is just absolutely beautiful <3 <3 I kept expecting you to pick up your bag and do one of those what's in my bag videos lol Great video though! Summer is really nice here, the only thing I would add is to watch out for the wasps if you're allergic. I was surprised by how many there were.


The scenery behind you, looks really beautiful.


Hallo, Ur awesome have a wonderful day!


what's the german word for that portable refrigerator you were mentioning (the one that uses the battery)?
in the US we usually just use a "cooler" which is just an insulated plastic box, and need to fill it up with ice or ice packs (Kühlakku like you mentioned).


In Netherlands they also have this saying about April is really crazy the 4 seasons same week 😆


Who controls the drone when you are talking during a video? Do you have a friend helping?


Oy how do you say jealous in German ! We are frigging freezing in Buffalo New York ❄️❄️❄️


Here in Schleswig-Holstein, people eat ice-cream on the street just because it's not raining hard enough.


OMG!! I was in Germany last summer, it was soooo hot!!! Just like in Asia, but no AC in the summer with 38 was a bit horrible..hahah
I was told to bring a jacket just in case, but I didn't have any chance to wear it. I guess May might be a better time going to Germany or Europe for travel then...


I was born and raised in Kentucky, and now I live in yep last summer here was warm here (we have a third floor apartment that faces the west it was warm at times) ... but sometimes I still get kind of cold here even in the summer..I recommend a light jacket just in case for people like me and are used to the heat and humidity of places like Kentucky in the summer... The heat is one thing...I just hope tornadoes don't become a normal occurrence here...I saw one in 1996 in Kentucky F4 it was bad, but no one was killed thankfully..Long story short ...I was very close to it ...The sound I will never forget...


Your mood change so much, maybe is the weather hahah ;)


It could be worse; here in Arkansas we basically have 2 seasons: 3 months of summer and 9 months of random...


I was in Germany last summer and my German friends told me it was the hottest summer they had ever experienced! Meanwhile my family back in Texas was experiencing 114 F (~46 C)


Hi Dominik There are two sayings here "cabin fever" a longing to get out and about in weather your enjoying now. Second one "If March comes in like a Lion it goes out like a Lamb" We got the Lion; its snowing and by 10 PM the tep. is predicted to be -21C....yah....Bring on the global warming.


I am glad that outdoor grilling is popular there. It’s an important thing here in America too. So when I move to Germany at the end of March, I will look forward to familiar rituals. I don’t start outdoor cooking until it’s warm enough to wear shorts outside though. So maybe the end of May or whatever. Another cool way to cook outdoors is to grab a giant wok and light up a propane turkey fryer stand. It’s the only way to get that awesome flavor that a good Chinese restaurant has. The high heat is too dangerous indoors and the smoke is too great. But outside no harm is done. I’m jealous about your warm weather it’s going to be -15 Celsius tonight where I live. Beautiful surroundings in your video, thanks. 😊


I was in Kolmenhof, Triberg in 2011 and in Berlin 2014. I remember when the hotel owner asked me in german why I could speak german so well. I answered that I'm much self-learnd in german thanks to dad having german satellite tv in the 90s. So I watched german kids-shows. German was so beautiful, I wouldn't hesitate to go there again.
