My New Main 3x3 Cube!

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(with MF3RS2 springs)

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The steps to change a main:
1.Like your main
2. Use it for a long time
3.Develop bad habits
4.Go back to an old cube you had lying around


A couple of days later "Oh wait nvm the gts 3 is still better"


How I picked my main.

1)Wanted to get into cubing.Bought a $3 cube *from Amazon*.
2)Learnt it.
3)Never bought another cube.
4) Lost a spring.
5) Continued with the same...


Whoa! When did you start doing these thumbnails!?


Do spring swaps in other cubes and make a video comparing them!


I did this spring swap a while ago when I saw scr’s video. It was my main for ages, and I agree that it is a very interesting cube that lots of people will like, but it’s not for everyone. I switched back the springs to the normal GTS2 ones after a bit when I was just experimenting and I ended up preferring the old ones, but looking back it’s probably just because I was a bit fed up of the cube. Give the spring swap a go if you have the cubes and see what you think.


Nice try and video! Thank you for sharing your experience.

If your gts2m is a factory version, it’s very natural, since the factory gts2m uses a non-linear short spring, which makes corner cutting worse.

On the contrary, the mf3rs2 uses a linear one, which is stronger in overall, could make the cube slower and gives better corner cutting with the same tension as the gts2m one.

I am not sure whether you used the factory gts2m or the gts2 non-magnetic version but magnetized later. If it is the former, try the normal gts2 springs.

The non-magnetic, factory gts2 uses longer springs with the same spring rate as the mf3rs2 one, I believe. :)


You don't like Valk Power, put the soft springs in
Yes, you probably heard this already but just please try it
I still think that your GTS2 will be better for your liking


Huh, GTS3M to GTS2M? This is uncommon


I had forgotten about SpeedCubeReview's video until watching this and was inspired to try it for myself. Bought both cubes and did the swap. After setting it up and giving a few days break in time, this cube has instantly moved into my top 3. Below the Gan 356 X and slightly above the Valk 3 M.

My personal set up consisted of weight 4 on the core, light use of weight 2 on one edge and one corner stem, complemented by a few drops of Lubicle Silk after reassembly. This was pretty good, but the pieces still felt a little dry when turned. Popped out an edge edge piece and VERY LIGHTLY added some weight 2 the the corners. A couple 100 U2 M2 turns later and that little bit of lube applied between the pieces improved corner cutting immensely. 45 and a bit over with no problem, about 40 reverse. Overall this is a great cube.


Where I live It’s like 12 at night but then I saw a j perm video...


I bought many cubes.... I like the stickerless, I know... out of the magnetic cubes that I bought, I prefer the Moyu Weilong GTS3M... light weight, smooth and seems to be the fastest for me. I don't like the GAN because it feels heavier and more momentum to me... these lightweight stickerless magentic cubes are the best. Fast and the magnets snap them into place as needed. The turn stuff is great. Love it. You won't regret it.


Yesterday i Got my yuxin little magic and my PB was 39 seconds
Today i Got 37 seconds and like two tries later i got 27!
My first sub 30 im so excited.


2:42 I had the same situation with the MF3RS3M where by itself, I didn't like it as much, but when I spring swapped it with the Valk2 springs, both the Valk2 and MF3RS3M became instantly amazing. I also get good times with my MF3RS3M even though I like the feeling of the X more, I get worse times on that cube.


J Perm you should try putting rs2 springs in the rs3


I did a kind of similar thing with my Valk Power, except I didn’t swap the springs out and instead compressed them with folded paper under the screws. The reason behind this is that I wanted better corner cutting and keep it controllable at the same time. So it was either me modding the cube or staying with a controllable yet too tight tension setting, I chose the first one.
Now, I do wish I had something else to put in, like maybe some small cogs or whatever that is more durable than paper, because the paper will eventually wear out and it will end up doing nothing so I’ll have to replace it. Or perhaps just simply new springs in the end...
Just don’t have any at the moment, it’s my only 3x3 speedcube.


No Yuxin Huanglong Magnetic? Effortless corner cutting and buttery smooth when it is set up right.


can the gts3 spring compression system swaped to the gts2? imagining how will that feel


How about the RS2 with GTS2 springs? You should make a video just about a bunch of spring swaps in 3x3s


Well, why not spring swap the gts3 springs with the rs2's?
