How to 'Ice' Ball Screens | Ball Screen Defense

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Ice coverage is a pick and roll defensive coverage which emphasizes taking away middle penetration in an attempt to limit potential scoring options for the offense.

To “ice” a ball screen simply means to send the ball handler towards the baseline away from the ball screen. Ice coverage is typically used against wing ball screen action, where the ball handler is attempting to use the screen to gain middle penetration.

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Great stuff keep it up with the videos!


Beautiful video. Explained it so well. Liked, subscribed instantly. Any other defensive schemes' videos bro?


Very well made content! Love it, keep it coming


I’m a PG and what I would do when facing an ice coverage is that I would do a pocket pass to my big and makes him play 4 on 3 like a short roll. If my big is not a good decision maker just tell him to change the screen side and do a snake to FT line and then do whatever options I have afterwards.


I’m curious, is this defense only viable if the ball-screen occurs on the wing? It seems like it’d be easier to beat if the pick and roll occurred in the middle of the floor


How would you react if you ice the screen but the ball handler still dribbles over the top ? I know this would put the ball much higher than the offense wants, but with the man guarding the screener dropping towards the sideline, how would the ball defender react to this? Over the top and chase? Go under since the ball is higher?


Horrible decision making by the offense. Screener needs to pop (if he can shoot), because they gonna double the ball handler once he rejects the screen. 3rd defender can’t get over in time. If he does get over in time and take the pop away, drive and look at wing/corner. Backside defender can only cover one of those. Or hit the screener on the short roll and he immediately needs to hit the opposite corner. Wide open shot. Gotta have a smart ball handler in order to make all this happen tho lol. I would honestly waive off the screen, or flip the screen.
