M4S Guide - AAC Light-Heavyweight M4 Savage (Wicked Thunder)

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This is a guide to the fight Arcadion M4S (Wicked Thunder) in the game Final Fantasy XIV. This guide sticks as closely as possible to the Shababin pastebin commonly used in NA PF. At the time of upload, the strats featured should be virtually identical.
00:00 Introduction
01:22 Bewitching Flight
03:05 Widening/Narrowing Witch Hunt
05:14 Electrope Edge 1
06:58 Electrope Edge 2
10:18 Ion Cluster
13:12 Intermission
14:30 Phase 2
17:58 Twilight Sabbath
18:44 Midnight Sabbath
20:21 Chain Lightning
22:35 Sunrise Sabbath
24:51 Uptime Sunrise (AutoCad)
25:28 Sword Quiver
26:15 Special Thanks! (+ Cat)
00:00 Introduction
01:22 Bewitching Flight
03:05 Widening/Narrowing Witch Hunt
05:14 Electrope Edge 1
06:58 Electrope Edge 2
10:18 Ion Cluster
13:12 Intermission
14:30 Phase 2
17:58 Twilight Sabbath
18:44 Midnight Sabbath
20:21 Chain Lightning
22:35 Sunrise Sabbath
24:51 Uptime Sunrise (AutoCad)
25:28 Sword Quiver
26:15 Special Thanks! (+ Cat)
Arcadion M4S Guide - AAC Light-Heavyweight M4 Savage (Wicked Thunder) UPDATED - FFXIV
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Arcadion Raid: AAC Light-Heavyweight M4 (Normal)
M4S FIRST CLEAR (SMN PoV) | AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage) | FFXIV
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M4S Phase 2 Theme 'A Risky Bet' - FFXIV OST
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