Coding Serbia 2014, Pieter Hintjens - One wierd trick for making perfect software

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Many consultants have earned fat fees on the promise of "better software". Pieter will explain one weird trick for making perfect software. This one weird trick annoys expensive consultants, saves you time and money, and may even save your relationship. Pieter uses this one weird trick every day in his work, making perfect software for clients, and for fun.
You will learn:
Bullet point 1: How to make perfect software even with colleagues you never met in person.
Bullet point 2: How to make perfect software even with clients who don't know what they want (yet).
Bullet point 3: How to make perfect software even with small teams and tiny budgets.
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He's talking about UX (user experience). Of course, every software has many different aspects and not surprisingly, one of them is UX design. A perfect software is not simply the one which meets the user requirement. What if that perfect software doesn't have enough security and expose all the user information to hackers?
