Steven Crowder - I am pro life - Change My Mind (compilation)

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Real Conversations - Steven Crowder - I am pro life Change My Mind. I watched 2 hours of film and shortened it to 8 minutes. The compilation is what I think was the best parts of the full episodes.

Steven Crowder visits universities and other public places and invites people to try make him change his mind - tells them that he is pro life.

I would like to advice you to see the whole thing here:
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4:07 "I support 4 choices - contraception, abstinence, motherhood and adoption" (I honestly didn't expect him to be that prepared with an informative answer).


Love watching Steven Crowder. Thanks for the compilation about abortion - I really liked it.


You are the best at explaining an intelligent argument! Love your content!


Life begins at conception, I believe abortion at any point from conception to birth is deeply and morally wrong. So people like to argue that life doesn’t begin at conception and to those people I say wether you consider it a life now or not the simple truth is that in 9 short months it well be. So either way you look at it you are taking a life.


middle aged women have serious problems admitting its wrong to abort most have ad an abortion who fight so hard to not say its wrong cos that would make them in the own mind A


If we have bacteria on Mars we call it life. But here it's not the case????
You gotta have a legit reason, that's how I feel.


I had a 10 week old fetus almost kill me. It was my first child and I misscarried, and if it wasnt for a d&c I would be dead. My 2nd miscarriage was at 6 weeks. I didnt almost die that time. I want to have children. I am pro choice even more so after my experience.


Its simple: Life and murder are defined in whatever way is most convenient to women's 'free choice'. If she has a baby, she has constrained all he rpossible futures heavily. This constraint is considered wrong. Therefore abortion must be legal. But to be legal, the fetus must not be a person. Therefore abortion is not the killing of a person. its that simple.


Look at the sign at the center back: "the butcher's son"
Interesting coincidence, since we are talking about abortion...


I like Crowder's take on abortion. It's a breath of fresh air compared to like TFP student thing because they are wierd.


The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty. Plainly, the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of liberty.


it just bothers me how this is supposed to be a "change MY mind" discussion and he barely lets the opposer speak. It's like if i am watching a straight lecture about the pro-life side. At least interview people until both sides are evenly discussed.


This is a very deep and strong topic 😧


This is why leftists hate him so much. He's a genuine human being who literally just wants to hear the opinions of others and have friendly conversations. And that's why I no longer like Ethan Klein, he took advantage of Steven's desire to have a genuine conversation so he could try to punk him.


I’m Tia, I’m pro-choice, convince me otherwise. (I’m being serious, try to convince me) <3


If we don't know/not yet determined/defined specificly what (another) life exactly IS, WHY say that abortion IS murder, define LIFE first..till then i think you cannot say that a pregnant woman is "killing another life" when she decides that she wants to have an abortion...he's comparing a foetus or an embryo with a man that crosses the street..really??


The way I would change his mind is by proving he is not really pro life.


I'm prochoice only because it is not societies burden to care for a child that the parents themselves won't care for. Why should our tax paying dollars fund a child that the parents never wanted to begin with? Statistically speaking what happens to orphans or children that are neglected? Do they more often than not become productive members of society? I don't believe they do... overwhelmingly speaking... so that is why I leave it to the parent's judgement if they are going to care for the child or not. It is not any concern of mine to dictate if someone can or can't have an abortion. I personally would never want my spouse to have one because I would care for any child, I helped create.... but I wouldn't ask society to care for my child if I chose not to. Especially since we see how well society cares for these children after they are born. Right wingers love feeling high and mighty saving fetus' but don't give a shit after they are born because then it's too late to undo it. LOL If the neglected and orphan children start getting more help from society so they become productive members of society I'll change my mind. How about when our country is no longer the world leader in incarcerations per capita then I'll start listening to prolife speakers. Sometimes you have to fix other problems before other problems will self-correct themselves. :) This problem will self-correct itself when poverty and crime diminishes, and education improves. Is it morally wrong? of course it is.... but everyone on this planet outside of our Savior does morally wrong things. In the Bible it says thou shall not lie, steal, cheat or kill.... I don't remember it saying abortions... but it does say thou shall not kill.... but war is okay to kill? Their are grey areas that even the bible doesn't have answers for so as a society we need to find what the true answers are. To really understand the opposite side of a discussion... ask yourself instead.... why would anyone want to have an abortion? Then you might find some understanding even if you don't agree with it. One more point.... didn't god test Abraham to kill his son but at the last second intervened and told him he was just testing his faith or some nonsense? What if Abraham didn't stop in time? Why did god contradict himself saying thou shall not kill then tell Abraham to kill? Why did god kill all the first born children of Egypt (those children were innocent themselves weren't they?) This is probably blasphemy but god seems to be a good killer for someone so Benevolent...? Mic drop...If god can kill the first born children of Egypt... I believe the parents can decide if they want to have an abortion or not. I commit sins so I can't bestow my beliefs on anyone else via a religious channel.:)


Is he trying to change her mind? Listening to her gave me a headache. If she's pro choice just say that, beating around the bush and sugar coating is annoying.


if you're pro life i hope youre anti execution lol and anti self defense. there's no circumstance to take anothers life right?
