Albert Einstein explains E=MC2

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This is my 3rd youtube video upload. I built this short brick film using a BBC audio recording of the real Albert Einstein speaking. It is Albert Einsteins real voice in English! He is explaining the idea E=mc2. That energy is equivalent to mass multipled by the constant (i read that the speed of light is constant no matter how u measure it, kind of the speed limit that information can travel :) ... i think???) squared. So that means matter has a lot of energy packed in it. Albert Einstein is seriously awesome. In his miracle year of 1905 Albert Einstein published four papers that reshaped modern physics. He wrote about the Photo-Electric effect, Brownian Motion, Special Relativity, and Energy-Mass Equivalence (E=MC2). He later added gravity with his General Relativity Theories and much much more. You can find out much more on wikipedia :) This stop animation was a quick mini project. It took only one week to build. i hope to build more soon.
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