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// If you get inspired, please credit me as the original c: [idm if u get inspired tbh]

Song - Poison - Hazbin Hotel [Blake Roman]


[Editors Note - Keep in mind my animation is its own thing and not related to the show itself, I liked the lyrics meaning and I felt it related to Zeruk. If you watch the video and his eyes slowly turning into stars when he's around ???, it's a different interpretation I took from the song.]

20/01/2024- I removed the phrase 'original animation meme' from the title to be more sensitive to others concerns.

Very sorry to everyone, I certainly didn't have any mal intent animating this and I am sorry if you felt hurt by the song choice, I decided to rename the title to just a vent because I really do relate the the song when it first came out (the hazbin hotel lyric music video on YouTube) before the show came out. I took it as someone putting words in ur mouth and they're feeding u lies and u don't have much choice but to listen because no one else will have the compassion to help and u think this is the only path you can take (because there isn't really any positive). I do not hate anyone even if u say u hate me, I did ask people before I animated the song if it was okay too, and I did get a lot of 'yeah its fine there isn't anything explicit in the lyrics' so that's why I animated it. In future I'll ask a wider scope of people to hopefully not run into this issue again. (I am very socially unaware so I need help understanding from others).

I did have to hold comments (not delete) because I just started to have a panic attack and it started to affect my actual health I am not ignoring anyone I promise I just couldn't stop and I had to step away from the situation. I just learnt to keep my mouth shut because no one listens to me regardless of what I say or if I try to explain myself. I am a ab** victim myself so that may be why I related so much to the song and animated it. I feel incredibly invalidated and I feel like I cant come out with my traumas due to this situation and all the assuming the worst from me.
People that I did ask were also s/. victims and said it was fine too so I'm just... Everyone is telling me it's ok to animate the song but then the other side is telling me it's wrong. I'm really conflicted I hope the title change pleases everyone.

This video is not Zeruk being happy or doing a happy 'quirky' dance, he's putting on a fake smile whilst whoever is around him says and does different things. The 'oooh' part 0:31 was showing progression (third frame showing him disliking it but the 4th showing him with a overly happy smile). You just put on a fake smile because regardless of what you do, people that say they care, don't actually care and want whats best for themselves.

I most likely won't be all here on the internet as much socially (I am doing very bad in my irl SORRY it's really bad timing) I typically just post art and run but um I don't think I am very good at handling hundreds of people sending actual harassment and not critic.

Hopefully this explains some things and can please everyone and if not I hope u see that I did try to make things right. I rlly do care about people and their feelings and, oh and this video doesn't generate me any money, or really anything I just make animations to try make people happy and try improve.

I'm sorry I had to hold comments because people started to mass target harass me and any
genuine critism was hidden in the mass hate over things like personal attacks/etc (nothing related to the subject at hand and going after me for things that are not relevant). I've spoken to people in DMS about this now I hope this change is good.

Again, very sorry, hopefully this response explains things and pleases everyone on all sides. Also I ask people to use tone indicators for serious situations like this with me please, it's very hard to tell anymore theres so much. Thank you for reading and thank you so much for your patience.

I am too scared to open X due to the mass harassment , dea- thrxts,etc, so I am just going to put this here I'm sorry I hope you understand I am getting too many dms rn its really over whelming thats why my dms are really delayed for now and the past few weeks

// Previous Description //
[This video is related to lore]

my amv isnt done so here is another filler DX... next time should be it tho im close to finishing :)
just did this quick bcz i aint post for awhile ehehe

[The first scene is a reference to GONE AMV]
[The rest is looking into zeruk's POV and how he feels abt his circumstances at that moment, thinking to himself]

IDM inspo btw but if u get v inspired pls credit tysmm

// Characters //

zeruk the purple levkin male
? the grey fennec fox male
[zeruk calls him kurez]

urnex the blue levkin male
kyia the pink levkin female

timeline - S2 in urnex area

// I own all the animation, art and characters //
Рекомендации по теме



walks into wall
glitches into wall
i love


The fact cutesy art people get shamed to relating dark real topics :(( and shove it as being “trendy and cute” and never look past it sucks.


I wasn't aware people can't make animations about songs that may actually relate to themselves. I was pretty close to making an animatic until I saw how people went after this person.


I saw the drama on twitter and after seeing your video and explanation, this is really harassment. They are being mean to you for silly reasons and half arguments. I'm sorry you have to deal with hate for just a silly animation hobby


i really hope you don't change ur behavior in the future bc this drama is insanely ridiculous. not only is Poison just a song and can be used any way you want (twisting mediums using art isn't a damn crime), but Poison isn't ONLY about s×x abuse, it's about GENERAL ABUSE.

the cycle of being trapped with someone who actively makes your life WORSE. this art is an _ENTIRELY APPROPRIATE AND FITTING USE OF THE SONG._ your interpretation is _OBJECTIVELY A CORRECT ONE._

most of the people who are critical of you i see on Twitter are usually those who already have a problem with this scene because they either don't have the media literacy to understand the clear "smiling thru the pain" intention to the animation (which both you and the original scene use to pretty similar ends) or those who have similar trauma too personally triggered by the scene to see the actual point of it.

and to be clear, it's fine if some things are too difficult for you to handle, wanting to avoid certain content is completely fine. but that definitely DOES NOT MEAN you get to dictate objectively that art that makes you _feel_ bad *_IS_* _bad_ or dictate how other victims of abuse express themselves!

im sorry you had to experience that hate mob. your art is actually really well done and its super befitting the themes, i also related to it personally.

your freinds were right when they said it was fine, but you can't please everyone and don't have to.

just be you unapologetically and make the art YOU want.

(sorry for the rant. i found this whole thing on twitter and it really messed with me the lengths ppl will go to censor art that merely makes them uncomfortable.

ps; subscribed <3)


You don't deserve any hate over making a music video based on how you're relating to a song
I hope life goes better for ya, keep up the amazing animating and artwork


I don't have Twitter (nor do I usually comment) but I've been following your work for about 2 years now and I absolutely love your art and animation styles! Music and art in general is transformative, so songs with messages of horrible things can absolutely be used any way an animator wants. Even then, your use of "Poison" still captivates the original message of the song, that being the POV of a victim of abuse, so no matter how you look at it, this AMV is perfectly fine! People on Twitter/X are prob some of the most toxic folks I've ever seen on the internet (it's the main reason I don't have it anymore), so I'd highly recommend not listening to them or going inactive on there, but at the end of the day, that's your own choice and you can do whatever you want. Just don't let them influence you in such a negative way over things that don't matter and/or make no sense, us Zeruk fans are supporting and rooting for you 💛💛💛


people trying to cancel you for this is such a braindead take ur absolutely fine 😭😭


I find it funny how the purple guy just starts head bopping and dancing liek he remembered hes in a animation meme while he got kidnapped or something


Poison is actually really relatable, if you look between the lyrics. Like not being raped everday for 70+ years, as in the acting and just being fake because that's what's expected.


The animation and song choice are both fine, people on the internet are just way too fond of turning everything into an over-the-top controversy, especially when anything serious happens in art


I don’t have Twitter, nor do I want to have it, and I only heard of the drama when I came back to your video later on.
First of all, wtf dude 😭😭 people are hating on an animation that is CLEARLY about abuse and manipulation?!? I’d say the song works perfectly fine here and fits the characters and story really well. And the fact you’ve went the extra mile to make sure people are ok with you making this animation just proves that Twitter is incredibly toxic. People just want to start fights for no reason. It’s madness, pure madness. I’m so sorry you were caught in the crossfire, you really don’t deserve it at all! All my support to you Zeruk!!
Secondly, can we actually take a moment to appreciate how good this animation is?!! How people could hate on it I have no clue, because it’s such a work of art. It really captures the emotions of the characters so well!! And that TWEENING?!? Damn it’s smooth af-

All the best to you Zeruk, you deserve nothing less than the best. 💜💜✨✨👏


Hey ! I just saw the situation and I hope youll be able to feel better soon. I think people really need to atleast understand your intentions before attacking you. Its clear that the animation was about something extremely toxic and manipulation. Which is EXACTLY what the song is about, the scene from the show in itself just adds more depth and urgency to angel dust's situation. Im sorry people have been harassing you and I hate the fact you had to publicly say you were a victim yourself. That's such a hard thing to do. I wish you the best.


yeah, another idea!!! thank you orange!! I love this meme and it inspires me!!!


i’m so sorry for what happened, people shouldn’t treat you like that just because you used this song, it’s not your fault, you don’t deserve to be harassed and thrxtened i’m so sorry all this is happening, i hope you’ll feel better, and i hope people stop attacking you for this, it isn’t your fault, and i’ll support you know matter what


I was a victim in an emotionally and borderline physically abusive relationship. So was my sister. Ignore those haters. I dont see anything wrong with how Viv went about this song and topic and i definitely dont see anything wrong with your video.

Tldr, you're art is wonderful, you are amazing, keep it up.


I am geniunely sorry for you Zeruk- and the harassment surrounding you isnt okay- I really do hope you're recovering and doing better and i personally relate to this song aswell and the animation is overall beautifull. I hope the harassment dies down and you are doing alright.


tw for mentioning ab** and sa

ok so i looked into this and from what i can tell, people are mad because of the scene from hazbin hotel with the song
not the song itself

the scene depicts ab and sa because the character is a victim of it. whether or not you think its a good depiction of angel dusts situation specifically doesnt matter because zeruk is not animating aangel dust. Zeruk is animating her own characters to a song that fits said characters. theres nothing wrong with animating these kinds of situations and the way the specific character deals with this. if you see THIS as a bad depiction, i reccomend you get your eyes checked and also research these situations. it is very clear that zeruk is struggling, regardless of whether or not hes smiling. people reacting differently to this stuff and masking emotions is not a brand new unknown concept. christ

i think its also important to mention that its really stupid to think that listening to a popular song means you automatically know everything surrounding it. edgy songs have been animated for a long time especially in animation memes, this is nothing different. you dont have to watch hazbin hotel to know that this song exists, as evident by the people who discovered the song by watching this (like me, who didnt realize until reading the description). you have to deliberatly search "poison hazbin hotel controversy" to know that people are complaining about this song and theres no reason to believe zeruk did that

overall zeruk, i hope youre okay. i do encourage you to get away from twitter, its known for people not knowing what theyre talking about and barfing up blatantly incorrect statements while being absolutely confident about them. im so sorry people attacked you while clearly not looking into this at all. you havent done anything wrong :3


Because of the drama surrounding this song, I’ll probably make this as an animation meme but leave it unlisted. I’m sorry people are harassing you, it’s really immature and ridiculous to be a jerk over a song and character that exists entirely in fiction


