Christians WON... I'm Coming Back to Christianity...

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Christians have a logical argument laying out why it's rational to become Christian. I'm an ex-Christian and today we're going to look at this argument in detail... is it time to come back to Christianity?

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My maternal grandmother used to say "I'd rather believe and be wrong than not believe and be wrong"... I told her "Fear is not a reason to believe in anything"... only time she ever slapped me.


“If someone needs the threat of eternal punishment not to be bad, they’re just a bad person on a leash; if they need a reward to be good, they’re a peace of shit. Just be good for goodness sake.”


I don't need to be threatened with afterlife torture to treat people like I'd want My family treated


I was in the church all my life. I had a near death experience that showed me who we truly are and that we've been deceived. I was led to leave the church. Im living now without fear.


Reincarnation makes the most sense to me personally. It goes beyond the earthly existence too. I do agree with Morgue; we are all connected, and other people are reflections of ourselves. When we are in unity it's a heavenly experience. When we are separated it's a hellish experience.


Paul writes. “Even if there are so called gods, for in the world there are many, yet for us there is but one God and father of all through which all things came and for who we live, and but one son from whom all things came and for whom we live.”


The thing that scares me also is that often times you see people fill the whole religion leaves with other crazy ideas that are much the same as religion. I want to stay neutral and grounded.


I've always doubted the teachings from the Christian (evangelical) church I grew up in, and it quickly made me the black sheep of my family the first day I made it known. My wife also has her doubts about it as well, but she stills goes and points to community as the reason why she keeps attending. Also disappointing he parents or family would be hard on her. It should be out of love for the church and GOD, not just straight up fear, a "reward" and the possibility of being wrong. I sometimes go to support her, but I always leave service more upset or depressed, especially about topics like the end of the world is near, and only members in the church will be saved, etc... Even if I bring something controversial up to my brothers, it just gets ignored as if I've never said anything at all. It's frustrating to say the least...


I really enjoy your ideas, i am an ex Christian and dealing with stress from it but have found peace in Buddhism but I am enjoying your channel.


It's okay to separate male and female In French they have masculine and feminine words


I always considered you a "Christian" the purest sense. No Religion, Know Jesus. Continued blessings and Success!


I believe in God, prayers, and the paranormal.
I'm NOT Christian, although I was raised Roman Catholic.
I have learned MUCH from you and from other religions.
I have found that I am a spiritual agnostic and i believe that there's a bit of truth in every religion.
I could NEVER be a Christian...again.


I grew up as a preacher's daughter and also went through extreme RTS and recovery. I now identify as a syncretic christian mystic. Meaning I represent the gnostic christ and not the dogmatic one. In my opinion the Bible is not literal, but, as a metaphorical and mythological text, it is as powerful as many eastern texts.


I don’t believe in religion
I do believe in a Creator or Source which is the energy of Love
I believe we are all evolving in our Consciousness to remember we are a part of the divine source or god
I don’t believe in hell as a place but I do believe in heavenly realms of consciousness or hell consciousness
Eventually we will all wake up to our divine selves and live in unity and love
I also believe we are all eternal beings


Yeshua never told anyone to be a "Christian". He was an Israelite, a Hebrew, a Judean. All these systems of control put into place by the abominable church and her daughters has NOT put more love and compassion into this construct. So much was taken out of sacred text, but you only need to Repent, be baptized, and keep the commandments. Man made the simple and plain difficult to understand for control. Period. Love and light to you!


Religion was meant to separate us. Spirituality is different than religion.


You fascinate me. You've created your own religion and you are God. I find religion a ridiculously evil fairytale that spun out of control. Nothing is based on facts but humans will fight to the death over a maybe. Kinda silly ain't it.


Don't be religious. Just be Real as you have been.


A lot Christians that left comments obviously did not watch the whole video.


Oh my God.
I'm nothing but amazed.
Welcome back, my brother.
We are happy for your return.
From Christians in Japan.

It is true that I was in love with your beautiful rhetoric and excellent logic, and found comfort in the criticism of Yahweh that developed from it, and I will miss you a little, but . . .
Your addition to the brotherhood was, above all, the 1st greatest encouragement.
