Bonus Video! Let's Talk About Glue Basting PLUS a Demo Using Flannel!

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I am super excited for you guys to not only watch this video but all the videos in this collaboration with other Quilting YouTubers! Today, we're taking another deep dive into glue basting and why I think it is a FANTASTIC choice for quilters who are tired of pin or spray basting. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below!

To celebrate National Quilting Day, I'm teaming up with my fellow YouTube creators to share some of our favorite quilting tips & tricks. Learn some new techniques, and let us keep you company while you sew! Check out their videos below!

National Quilting Day Videos:



00:00 Intro
02:26 My Glue of Choice!
03:10 Why Glue Basting?
07:00 Different Techniques I've Tried
10:44 How It Works
11:40 Glue Basting Demo
30:15 FAQs About Glue Basting
Рекомендации по теме

I just wanted to say that your original glue basting video changed my quilting life! I LOVE glue basting. I have used it for machine quilting, hand quilting, with cotton batting, with wool batting, with cotton fabric, and with flannel. I used to hate basting, and not having to remove pins while quilting makes the quilting process quicker and more enjoyable. I agree that the Elmers glue bottle is the best applicator. I have found though, especially for hand quilting, that it works best for me to smooth out the glue so that it's paper thin on the surface (like I'm icing a cake).  It felt like catching the line of glue really messed with my hand quilting mojo without smoothing out the glue.

I use a 6 inch flexible plastic dough bench scraper for spreading out the glue. They are super cheap and the ones I have came in a pack of two. I use one for glue and one for smoothing out the fabric. The glue wipes right off the scraper. (If I let it dry it just peels off.) The plastic doesn't catch the fabric or the batting (like a foam brush). For smoothing fabric, it provides just the right tension for a perfectly smooth top.  I usually use pool noodles for basting, and the glue works great with that method also. I'm impatient so I run an iron over the section I just glued then I can immediately roll it up on the pool noodle.

I basted all nine flimsies I had accumulated in one fell swoop just after New Years, and I'm almost finished quilting them all. (One was the first quilt I ever made then just left in a closet for a few years.)

Thanks so much for sharing this!


I just wanted to let you know that I had seen your previous video on glue basting. I told a friend of mine about it and we both decided to try it. I have to tell you that we both fell in love with this type of basting. I don't believe that I will ever go back to sprays and pins again. Thanks so much for your inspiration.


Good morning, Miriam, I just took my glue basted quilt out of the dryer and it came out great. This was a test quilt using your first tutorial Two problems that I had was (1.) keep the glue away from the edges if you're going to hand baste the binding. It was extremely hard to get the needle into the quilt. And (2.) I don't have a lot of hand strength so squeezing that glue bottle was very difficult. I found an empty small Dawn dishwashing bottle and filled it with the glue. That plastic bottle has much more give to it and worked much better for me. Thanks for the video.


I’ve found Elmer’s glue sticks work, great! I use for bindings, but recently started using them for small quilts. Washable, non gummy for needle


I love glue basting! I'm self taught and spread the glue basting gospel everywhere I go! Thanks for a great video, I do my quilts the same way you do. I do usually iron while the glue is still wet, especially larger quilts as it seems to smooth everything out, preventing tucks or puckers. Thanks again!


I have used this method on my last two quilts since I viewed your first video on it, Miriam. You are correct, GAMECHANGER!


I agree with so many other quilters, your glue basting is a game changer for me…..easiest Machine quilting EVER! I just bought a huge bottle of school glue, goodbye pins and sprays!


OMG I love your videos and your kitties are SO cute! I have a kitten that climbs into the throat of my machine and lays all over my fabric, so I laughed out loud when your baby was attacking your top! Thank you so much for sharing your talent, tips, and tricks.


I love the glue basting. I saw the first video and tried it and never looked back! My quilty hero!


This is the first time I've seen your show and I'm amazed at what a wonderful teacher you are. My sister and I are thrilled we found you. We're so looking forward to seeing a lot of you. Thank you for all you do. G &E 😊😊


Love this method! Prior to seeing your videos I used Elmer's for gluing fabulous for that....and soooo good for basting whole quilts now! So much quicker and easier than pin basting which I did before.. I used the spray basting ONCE and hated it so much. Keep it up girl you rock!


Love, love, love your technique and videos. You have rocked my world, as a previously committed pin baster. I put several quilt sandwiches together using Elmer’s School Glue (white, clear gel, and blue gel). They all worked equally well. Shared your technique and YT channel with my classmates at quilt retreat - everyone was impressed. My quilt sandwiches all quilted up so nicely. Thank you for sharing your expertise.


Yes! Yes! and Yes again!!! Like a told you before, I'm sold on Elmers! I just finished quilting a sandwich that has been basted with glue and laying over the back of a futon since 2019!!! Love your tutorials!!


Thank you for showing your method and talking about it with us! I’ve been spray basting and while it works well it gets everywhere as you said and the cleanup is a hassle. So I look forward to trying glue basting. Thank you again! ❤


Watched your first video on glue basting a couple months ago ... I basically did a lot of wrong things. Watching your recent video .. well it definitely changed my approach to glue basting. Even though my first and couple other glued projects were not close to perfect, still loved it over pin basting and thread basting. I am a hand quilter, so that first attempt was somewhat slower to do, cause I had many lumps, which your recent video explained how not to get them and what to do if you get them. Definitely recommend as you did, make sure your cap is clean and flowing good. And, the first quilt, I didn't let the back dry before I did the front, lol, that was a very wet quilt, overnight drying. I just finished my latest quilt sandwich, drying now, looks pretty perfect! It will be in my hoop to quilt this evening. Thank you again for sharing this method of basting, now looking forward to getting those 10 or plus unfinished tops finally completed.


I'd been basting with glue for a while before I found your first video. Glad to see others do this as well. I like it because it is inexpensive, and easier to get.


After watching your first video, I tried it, never going back ❤️❤️❤️ this is how I’m doing it forever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you


Great video. Nice clear explanation. Kitties are a bonus.❤


You have very cute and sweet helpurrs ❤😺😺 Such a good job of smoothing out the backing and fluffing up the top
My helpurr is watching along.


Love this! After watching your first glue basting video, I tried it and loved this method! I also quilted for the first time after watching your quilting tutorial that you did on your Christmas blanket. I loved how it turned out! Thank you, you are a great teacher! 🥰
