A Biblical Rebuke To The Video 'Calvinists Be Like..' On Free WILL! | Paul Washer | Biblical Wisdom

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This is why I make the distinction that we have free agency within constrained wills. Our wills are not free; they are constrained by time, opportunity, et cetera, but most importantly they are constrained by our sinful nature that inclines us toward rebellion against the Most High. However, within our constrained wills, we have agency and are free to make choice.


Bottom line is the unredeemed can only choose to sin...all their "righteousness" is even filthy rags..i.e. sin. So " free will " for them us only and always sin, action apart from God and His will.


5:17 Wrong! God has free will! He actually gave up some of it to us! He limited His power over us in that way! He won’t force us! He wants us back not because of His power over us by creation, but over His power of Love by redemption! He owns us twice! We have no choice over the first but the second! This is a miracle that there is a place for those who reject God!


So you are saying that the non elect are guilty of something God made them do.

If a judge would make someone rob a bank and then throw them in jail you would say thats a corrupt Judge.

With all due respect you are equating God’s nature to that of a corrupt Judge.

I love you guys but you’re philosophy is far away from being biblical.

Free will is all through the Bible, and the nature of God is displayed, it looks nothing like what you explain.

Romans 1:20-21

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.


You have a point pastor Paul Washer, that man's will can be influenced by many outside factors, but I believe that the natural character of a person cannot be changed by outside factors.. if a man is evil, his nature is always evil, if a man is good, his nature is always good.. a Sheep can never become a goat and a goat can never become a goat..
In the bible a Sheep represent the Elect and the goat represent the reprobate, Even before Jesus died to redeem the Sheep, the Sheep is already a Sheep.. That's why Jesus said that He will give His Life for the Sheep..

John 10:15 (KJV), "As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep."
