14 Days Solo Camping in the Yukon Wilderness - E.8 - Wolf Calls & Forest Fires

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#bushcrafter #outfitting #wildernesscamping
Forest fires can be a danger on far flung wilderness travel adventures. After canoeing in the cold rain for a long time, I rounded a corner and saw smoke in the hills. Fortunately, the fire was out but it was still smouldering and the smoke hurt my eyes.

The next day, after watching a cinnamon black bear, I did some portaging and saw remnants from the 1898 Klondike gold rush. Goldrush history remains a big part of the Yukon's draw. Not far off of the portage trail I found an old native burial ground. I've heard it said that "every trail has a story" and it was easy to tell that this trail's story was rich. I was happy to add to another chapter in it. The book by that nake that I mention in the video is by Bob Henderson.

It was not long after portaging and soloing whitewater that I made the decision to paddle through the night to meet the shuttle in mayo the following day. It was either camp out in one spot for three days, or arrive in Mayo early and have to pay about $1000 to fly back to Whitehorse with all my gear. I decided to paddle and it got darker than I thought it would. It was overcast and raining for much of the marathon paddle too and it felt never-ending.

Late in the evening, I'd just turned on my GoPro when I heard the loud howls of a pack of wolves. They were close and I tried howling to see if I could get them to come into view. I didn't end up seeing them but it was an awesome experience.

My mind started playing tricks on my in the darkness, and I had trouble navigating through a series of islands and sand bars but I pushed on. At first light, I rounded a large S-bend in the river and something caught my eye. Zooming in with my camera I saw that it was a floatplane. I'd made it! I'd compleated 100 kilometres of paddling on one 17-hour, marathon push and finished my trip at 4:00am on Day-11, thee days ahead of schedule. What a trip!

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I hope you enjoyed the video. This is the final episode in my Yukon Wild Solo series - 14 Days Solo Camping in the Yukon Wilderness. You can get caught up on past episodes on this series on in my playlists. Thanks everyone for watching and stay tuned for much much more coming to my channel!


jim you are class A what a trip Thanks for taking us on it with you !!! special Thanks to Torrey and your son for being your loving support system .


Watched all...Really awesome. Big congratulations from me, Jim!


Mr Baird, Thank you for allowing me to make this journey with you, although be it from the comfort of my computer chair. 8 episodes and everyone of them more exciting than the previous. you sure gave me a real scare when you went in the water, but thank God you not only survived you made it look so much fun. I hope you enjoyed getting back to you're wife & son. thanks again for the journey, Michael from Dublin, Ireland. oh by the way you're one brave man, or as we say in Ireland, you're some man for one man.


Wow! I had to lay down for five minutes and just breath. Makes me realize I´m just a little guy, doing stuffs in the north of Sweden. Simply magic.


WHAT AN EPIC TRIP! Thank you for bringing us along this amazing journey, you are a legend!


Thank you for your dedication and kindness of Charing this experience with all of us. Enjoyed every minute. Best regard Sweden


Wolf calling. That was so cool. What a great series. Thanks for all your hard work and looking forward to your next adventure, Al


Wolfman Jim, you are THE MAN, every bit as cool-runnin' and imperturbable as that big-ass porcupine you showed us. After this series I am just sitting here with bated breath waiting to see where you take us next! Please never stop your venturing and filming.


I was raised in Alaska from 1958 to 1966. My father (native American) helped build most of the road system. I watched your show 3x. Thanks for bring me back home.


I loved the wolf calls and that aerial view of the falls. An epic and fun adventure.


Jim to say you rock is an understatement. That was one wonderful adventure to watch. Thank you


Jim, you never disappoint. Well except I'm disappointed that it's over. I'll be anxiously waiting for the next. keep up the great videos!


Holly, I watched all your episodes this evening! Gee this should be a National Geographic show! Good job, and thank God you made it safe and sound, it’s great you did this while you are young and strong. Your awesome, thanks for sharing 👌


I'm enjoying this immensely! Great running commentary. I observed and interacted with a pack of wolves for three summers and into the winter in the Northeast Arm of Great Bear Lake at Port Radium. I howled with the 16 member pack, 12 adults and 4 cubs frequently and a few came within a few feet of me several times. They showed much curiosity but never any aggression toward me. That was in 1978, 1979 and 1980. Nothing like the North country!


That's how I felt about the video, I was glad you finished your adventure but I was sorry it was over . truly enjoyed watching the videos.


O m g !!! Congrats! Thank you...for sharing your Yukon victory!! 🇨🇦


Very cool! Thanks for taking the time to film this. Love the drone shots.


Thanks for showing us the Yukon. Quite inspiring. You are my new Les Stroud.


Well done Jim! And yet ANOTHER experience of a life time.
