Angular 8 Google Maps Firebase Realtime Blood Donor App Demo + Article + Source code

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The demo of the Angular 8 Google Maps Firebase Realtime Blood Donor App.

In this Angular 8 tutorial, we will be building a realtime blood donor app based on location tracking. Set the donor location to Firebase realtime database that automatically updated and seen by other users as real-time Google maps markers. The other users that see the blood donor markers on Google maps based on near to their device or computer location. So, they can choose and contact the desire blood donor then contact it.

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#angular8 #angular #angularjs #googlemaps #firebase #firebaserealtime #database #realtimedatabase #blooddonor #app #demo
Рекомендации по теме

adding the google api-key in the angular part is safe ? if not then can you tell me how can i get that through spring boot and mysql?
