Should Women Wear A Head Covering At Church?

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In this episode of Questions, Pastor Joel opens up a can of worms by sharing his thoughts on “head coverings” in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content like this!

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I was saved two months ago and I began covering my head 2 days ago. I cover all day because I pray all throughout the day. It was a very difficult decision for me because I haven't met any other Christian women currently practicing head covering. I do feel worried sometimes about what others will think of me but I try to remind myself that it's better for them to dislike me than for me to disobey God. The Bible doesn't say to only wear it to a church service, I believe women are supposed to wear it anytime they pray.


All glory should be covered except God's glory, I love that 🙌


Thanks for “covering” this topic. 😆 That last argument about the glory of God being the only glory on display on the Lords day really hits hard. That has me convinced now.


Just started attending an Orthodox Church and it was beautiful seeing the young and older women with head coverings. It’s heart warming to see American women following the word of God and not modern societal norms.

I had a light bulb moment in this video with why men remove their hats in the south (from Corinthians). So cool! Glory be to our Father the Most High


Best teaching on this Ive heard so far! I’ve become increasingly convicted about this in the past year and have been wearing wider cloth headbands when i attend my churches Lords Day service. Garlands of grace makes awesome ones in a variety of styles and I love supporting small business!


Phenomenal. I bring this topic up sometimes to other believers and get scoffed at. I love the emphasis on how secondary and tertiary issues are important. Most people them off because they’re not primary. Why does that mean we can’t talk about them?? Great video.


Very encouraging! I came to this understanding reading the scriptures and discussing it with my husband. Been looked at sideways more then once when discussing it with others, yet no one has offered an argument against it. It seems that they have simply never heard an argument for it. As to the hair issue, it mentions both a covering and hair so I don’t see how it is just hair, and churches who believe it is just hair do not make a point for women to grow long hair (and would probably still encourage men to remove hats during prayer) which is inconsistent with their belief. I agree that the issue is that it is such a visible practice and many are afraid of looking silly. Also, if it is not a visible covering, why did the church continue to practice head covering until the sexual revolution. I believe this is feminism and egalitarianism even in the most conservative of churches. I pray we repent and obey regardless of the cost.


Thank you. That cleared up a lot of confusion in my understanding of the whole “contentious” and “we have no such custom” portions.


I have been convicted to cover my head all the time, for protection and power in the spiritual realm, not just in public when praying.


You should have your wife on to discuss this with you for us women . Bc some of us wld like to cover at worship but wonder how as a woman we can do this without feeling like it’s bringing more attention to us and being distracting for others and how to graciously respond when others who have seen you for a long time not wear one and now have one on….just a thought! These podcasts have been so helpful to my husband and my walk! Thank you!


T Y for clearing up this very complicated issue. It is now clear to my husband and me. From now on I will cover my long hair while at corporate prayer. I was wearing a scarf at home when we prayed our evening prayers until we knew what God wants. We really just want to obey our Lord and Savior. Thank you again. You made it most clear when you summed it up at the very end saying the woman covers her glory, her hair, to not distract and to make sure all glory is on God. Praise Yeshua


Finally, some clear and straightforward teaching that takes scripture as written and doesn’t apologize for it or twist themselves into a pretzel trying to say it doesn’t really say what it clearly says!

I’ve seen a whole lifetime of even respected, otherwise solid pastors who dance around male/female issues, like teaching the “submit to each other” and ignoring the following paragraphs, or only teaching the “husbands love your wives” part. So tired of feminism corrupting the church, and finally feeling a little hope for the church getting back to embracing the word.


When it comes to relying on convictions, I think we as believers cannot let this idea take precedent to actual scripture. I have read many who believed God convicted them about many things (like going to a particular church, meeting a significant other, give away a large amount of money to invest in a righteous or holy cause, etc.) only to find out that they turned out to be disasters. So not everything that one thinks to be a “conviction” is necessarily true. One cannot be afraid of hindering the Holy Spirit or “messing” with God if the Scriptures do not line up with certain misinterpreted doctrines. Therefore, just like the examples I gave before, there are convictions that people only “think” is from God when it really isn’t.


Thank you for sharing this position. I found it helpful in my search to sus out the true meaning of these verses. Yah bless.


It's not true that the bible is not clear on head covering. It puts the message in simple and plain language - "women cover your heads. Men remove cover from your heads."
The head covering debate reminds me of the way we were chased out of the garden of Eden. The Lord had put the message in clear and plain language - "do not eat from that tree".
But we found ourselves eating because some clever character holding himself out to be full of the Holy Spirit came and interpreted to us the word of God which was so clear that it never required any interpretation in the first place


Thank you dear brother for talking about this.. I want to obey Jesus and the Holy Spirit has imparted understanding personally to me, so it's not religious or duty; it is pure joy and a privilege to obey and honor and serve my God.
Again, thank you


How refreshing!!! Insight on this particular doctrine really shows how the “ modern” church may have changed what the first church really taught. ( in other areas too)Thank you brother. May The SPIRIT of The Most High bless & reveal His Truth to us all!


R C Sproul brought this to my attention and as my husband and I studied it, we were convinced that it is a practice for all believers everywhere at all times. Finny Kuruvilla did a good and exhaustive study series on this matter.


Great stuff brother.
That was the Right Response ✅️


It uplifts women. Her feminine glory of her hair, which is for her husband, is glorious. Don’t flaunt your glory at church. Rather cover your glory so that Christ may receive all glory.
