14 Amazing Indoor Plants that grow in Water

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9 Plants for the Home Office You Can Grow in Water

There are Indoor Plants that Grow in Water without much maintenance. You can grow them in clear vases and jars to use as a centerpiece.

1. Philodendron

In all the philodendron species, heart-leaf philodendron is quite adaptable for growing in water. Keep a 6 inches long cutting in a clear glass jar or bowl in a location with bright indirect light. Don’t forget to change the water once in 3-4 days and it’ll keep growing.

2. Lucky Bamboo

Famous for its forgiving nature, the lucky bamboo is one of the best indoor plants that grow in water. Narrow vases are perfect for this plant, depending on the size. Make sure the roots are submerged in the water and add some gravels around them for firm placement.

3. Pothos

With its glossy heart-shaped foliage, pothos is one more option to go for. Grow it in water, in a clear fishbowl and keep that on a shelf, cascading pothos leaves will look wonderful. Keep changing the water every few days to maintain the right oxygen level.

4. Chinese Evergreen & Dumbcane

With variegated and leathery leaves having a silvery pattern, the dumb cane and Chinese evergreen plant can be grown in water. You can easily propagate the cuttings in a transparent vase filled with small aquarium rocks. After a few months, once the roots appear and become bigger, transfer them in the soil.

5. Spider Plant

Spider plants look quite interesting with their narrow arching foliage and baby spiderettes. You can either grow them permanently in a glass jar or change the cuttings into a new pot, once they root. Keep changing the water every 2-3 days. Check out these indoor spider plant care tips here.

6. Arrowhead Plant

Like other climbers and vining plants, the arrowhead plant is pretty straightforward to grow indoors in water. Keep adding fresh water twice a week and it’ll keep on growing. If you like, transplant it into a potting soil once the cutting sets new roots.

7. Coleus

Having colorful and serrated leaves, coleus will be the most colorful addition to glasses and jars. Since it likes indirect light, you can keep it as a tabletop centerpiece in a wine glass or decorative mason jar filled with water.

Tip: Adding compost tea in the water will enhance their growth.

8. Wandering Jew

Wandering jews are tough plants that grow like a weed in warm climates. The astonishing purple-colored and variegated varieties make them desirable houseplants. The best part is you can grow them in water in terrariums.

9. Dracaena

Many indoor dracaena varieties can adapt to growing in water. Glass jugs and narrow jars are good for them. Just remember to use chlorine and fluoride-free water. Also, never let the water in the jar to become mushy and unclear and keep changing it two to three times a week.

10. Begonia

Like impatiens, growing begonias in water is also possible. You can keep them in a clear bowl for around two months before they start to fade. Don’t forget to change the water every week to save the begonia cuttings from rotting.

11. Ornamental Sweet Potato

Ornamental sweet potato vine in a glass jar will add a tropical touch to your kitchen windowsill. Trim a few 6 to 8 inches long stems just below the leaf node, remove the lower leaves and submerge them half in water. Keep changing the water and it’ll grow.

12. English Ivy

English ivy can your next indoor water garden plant. You can grow its cuttings in vases for a long time. Snip all the bottom leaves of an ivy stem and transfer it into a glass jar and enjoy it on a bright windowsill.

13. Monstera

Monstera is a popular large indoor plant because of its huge cut foliage and stems. It creates a tropical atmosphere in any room. Adding this tall plant can make a huge impact on the interior of any home.

14. Herbs

Not just the houseplants, there are herbs and vegetables that you can grow in water. Some of the best ones are mint, green onions, fennel, basil, and celery.
#waterplants #indoorwaterplants #easytogrowplants
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Looks really nice when it’s grouped together


Liked and subscribed. I like that you talked about the water change. Thank you.


I searched many videos but only you gave plant name in description too. It is really helpful to search


I love it I'm going to get some cutting outside thanks for sharing see you around


I like 👍 very much plants & thanks for sharing


Also I have lots of vases and jars and clear nice bottles now I can use them


Thank you very much for sharing beautiful and amazing interesting plants


Woooow Very beautiful indoor plants 🌿👌 Thanks for sharing 🌱👌👍


Great video! It turns out that I have all but four of these plants!


Wow, I'm so excited to know these.I'll try some.


"Itll keep growing forever."
That's a mighty long time.


Wow interesting Now I can cut and put them in the water and avoid the small flies my soil was infected. Very nice informations thankyou thankyou


Good eve listening wt. auntie fr. Osaka japan


nice video, do one for aquarium plants as well cheers friends


I' ve learns a lot l want to this the next day thank


Hey there! New plant friend here!
Great advice! I agree with all your choices!


Can i put them in waterbeads instead of water, for preventing of mosquitoes breeding.


Nice video N beautiful plants collection


hi, can i plant a polka dot plant in water? thanks
