7 Reassuring Things To Say To Someone With Anxiety

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Is someone you care about suffering from anxiety or an anxiety disorder? Are you concerned about their mental health recently? Do you find yourself at a loss over how to react when the topic does come up? There are many ways to be supportive without overstepping boundaries or taking on more than you can handle. It's important to help you understand from a psychology-oriented perspective, the thoughts and emotions behind anxiety so you can be well equipped to be supportive.

Disclaimer: This is meant as a self-improvement guide and should not be used as self-treatment. If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety or any mental health issues, be sure to seek help. Even though having a supportive environment does help but professional help and advice can go a long way.

Writer: Gabrielle LaFrank
Script Editor: Rida Batool
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Phoebe Lewis (New Animator)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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Disclaimer: This is meant as a self-improvement guide and should not be used as self-treatment. If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety or any mental health issues, be sure to seek help. Even though having a supportive environment does help but professional help and advice can go a long way.


Hey there!
1. 1:21 - You have my attention (or) I am listening
2. 1:52 - What can I do to help you?
3. 2:20 - Hey let's go for a walk. We can talk about it, or we can just get some fresh air
4. 2:48 - Is it okay if I give you a hug?
5. 3:25 - I'm here for you, no matter what is happening
6. 4:04 - Would advice be helpful or should I just listen?
7. 4:40 - I don't know what to say, but I'm here for you
People with anxiety should be taken care as delicately as a glass, I know the pain.. I suffer from it too. Hope this helped you 💜


if only you could explain this to my parents and if only they would actually try to understand


Me and my friend was in that situation of understanding.. eachother a while ago... And this video came after that situation ... I mean do already know that ...we need this.. topic ... Thank you... And she felt .. where she was not understanding ... but after watching this ... She knows .... Where she was going ... Wrong .!! Thank you so much .... It's like this video was made for us !!! 😊❤️


I will say this to myself, everyone just says "calm down", bro?you're making it worse


Thank god for this channel I have learned so much many thanks x


Rather than telling others these, it's better if they show concern through actions. Most of the time, words just feel very empty. /shrugs


You've got an amazing voice..In love with it...🥀


A friend of mine has literally said all of these.


You can calm me down, but you can’t stop all the ‘What if’ scenarios in my head


This is wonderful. My girlfriend has bad anxiety and usually I don't have a problem knowing what to say but I'm always seeking out a way to make her feel better.


"Is it okay if i can give you a hug?"

If someone says this i am gonna burst in tears


"Anxiety and fear are cousins but not twins. Fear sees a threat. Anxiety imagines one" - Homer Simpson


“How do you feel about the points in the video ?”



This channel is an escape from my anxiety and depression


As another person who suffers from anxiety.... just having someone text me something random to distract me or having someone just sit with me and just be there... not even really to talk.... especially if I cant talk or just don't wanna talk about it.... that helps a lot.


2:48 - EXACTLY. i had a panic attack at school and one of the teachers did half of them helping me, then another teacher asked me if i wanted a hug, and she just just me a huge bear hug and made me feel better on top of the other teacher calming me down


It's hard to deal with anxiety when you have toxic friends.


“When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you.


I disagree with most of these and I'd like to give my opinion on each, as I do suffer with anxiety

You have my attention (or) I am listening
this one can be super helpful however If you say this please watch your tone, because if it's a muttered "yeah, im listening" It can lead them to believe you
are being burdened by them, and that Is the last thing we want
I'd replace this with "I'm here to listen" or "If you want you can tell me about it"

What can I do to help you?
this one leads me to feel like a burden, even if it's "is there anything I can do to help you?" or "any way I can help?"
honestly I'd just scrap this one, I in no way want to inconvenience anyone when I'm spiraling.

Hey let's go for a walk. We can talk about it, or we can just get some fresh air
The last thing I want to do right now is go outside, I'm dealing with my mind, I'm scared, I'm paranoid. I've been here with this one and
It literally just led me to just being afraid for my life for like a solid hour.
I'd replace this with "wanna play some (insert game they like here) ?"

Is it okay if I give you a hug?
This one I love, this one makes me very happy, however doesn't really work over the internet or in a quarantine

I'm here for you, no matter what is happening
no complaints here, it feels great not to feel alone

Would advice be helpful or should I just listen?
Watch your tone with this one. this can come off sarcastic really quick. any hint of frustration and I'll feel like the worlds biggest Jerk
I might replace that one with "would you like some advice? If not I can continue to listen"

I don't know what to say, but I'm here for you

A very sweet yet hollow feeling It's rather bittersweet but that one is just me.
