Adonai Speaks 3 by Jackie Haverty

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In this transmission of Adonai Speaks # 4, topics contain information on.
*Particles, waves, and atoms, (light) entering and emitting in our physical beings, the universe, and dimensions.
*We are always connected through these particles.
*Humanity is creating a "Unity Consciousness" through these particles.
* The "we" of us is expanding into a re-formation of all humanity.
* How ad when to give of yourself.
* The difference in giving out of our need to give and our compassion.
* Dealing with adult children and family members out of need or compassion.
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If there are 12 dimensions and we exist all levels or shells of reality? then outside of these realities or frequencies is the source? and not a particular dimension? but we are source outside these kind of matrixes? and would source self be the god self?
