Multithreaded Sorting

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One of the advantages to QuickSort and Mergesort is that they can be multithreaded nicely. QuickSort is tail recursive, meaning each step does some work, then passes it on to the next step, and MergeSort is head recursive, where it has the next step do the work, then adds it's work to it.
Both are very efficient sorting algorithms with great multithreading capabilities. QuickSort does suffer if it makes a poor pivot choice (I use median of first, last, and middle value). Where MergeSort has to deal with array copying.
Both visualizations are very heavially multithreaded, more so than would generally be practical in most impelmentations as the threads are not running at full speed. The visualization has 10,240 point split among up to 512 threads.
Both are very efficient sorting algorithms with great multithreading capabilities. QuickSort does suffer if it makes a poor pivot choice (I use median of first, last, and middle value). Where MergeSort has to deal with array copying.
Both visualizations are very heavially multithreaded, more so than would generally be practical in most impelmentations as the threads are not running at full speed. The visualization has 10,240 point split among up to 512 threads.
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