Explained! Impedance, Admittance, Reactance, Inductance, Capacitance, Conductance, and Susceptance

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In this video, I'll teach you the difference between the electrical quantities of Impedance (Z), Admittance (Y), Reactance (X), Inductance (L), Capacitance (C), Conductance (G), and Susceptance (B)?

👉 Visit the full article on Impedance (Z), Admittance (Y), Reactance (X), Inductance (L), Capacitance (C), Conductance (G), and Susceptance (B):

There are many different types of impedance components and they all rhythm, making it hard to remember which one is which.

Many even have the same units, which can lead to even further confusion.

Don’t let the same “-tance” ending fool you.

If you run into a question on the Electrical PE Exam that asks to solve for one of these components and you aren’t familiar with the exact differences, then you could end up bubbling the wrong answer even if your math and calculations are sound.

Chances are, you’ve already run into a similar mistake or headache while working sample exam practice problems.

To make sure this doesn’t happen on the exam day, let’s take a look at all the different components and define them, as well as understand where each comes from.

(Z) Impedance - A complex number. Opposes the flow of current. Impedance is the sum of resistance and reactance. Z = R+jX [Ω]

(R) Resistance - opposes the flow of current. Real component of impedance R=Re{Z} [Ω].

(X) Reactance - Opposes the change of either current or voltage. Imaginary component of Impedance X=Img{Z} [Ω]

(XL) Inductive Reactance - Reactance that opposes the change of current from an inductance component. XL = 2πfL [Ω]

(X) Inductance - A reactive impedance component made out of a coil that creates a strong magnetic field created by current flowing through the shape of a coil. [H]

(XC) Capacitive Reactance - Reactance that opposes the change of voltage from a capacitance component. XC = 1/(2πfC) [Ω]

(C) Capacitance - A reactive impedance component made out of two conducting plates that never physically touch separated by a dielectric medium that creates a polar build up of charge [F]

(Y) Admittance - How easily current can flow, or how well current is admitted. A complex number. The inverse of impedance Y = (1/Z) and the sum of conductance and susceptance Y = G+jB [S]

(G) Conductance - How well a circuit will conduct current. The inverse of resistance and the real component of admittance. G = Re{Y} [S]

(B) Susceptance - How easily a voltage or current can change in a circuit, or how susceptible a circuit is to the change of voltage or current. The inverse of reactance and the imaginary component of admittance. G = Img{Y} [S]


[Ω] - Ohms
[H] - Hemrys
[F] - Farads
[S] - Siemens or Mhos

👉 Visit the full article on Impedance (Z), Admittance (Y), Reactance (X), Inductance (L), Capacitance (C), Conductance (G), and Susceptance (B):

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This 12min video helped me know more than my hours of book flipping research. thanks!


This video is ever-green, helping people even five years after it was made.


Great video clearing up the different types of "-ance's". This has made me realize how important it is to read the problem carefully and be sure you know what you're being asked to solve.


This is a great video that takes many different electrical terms and makes them simple to understand and the relationship between them. Thanks Electrical PE Review!


Love this video, these terms can get very jumbled in your mind and that leads to misunderstanding. Nice to see them all explained in one concise video!


This video is great for understanding the different terms and also a reminder to be aware of which units you are working in.


This is the first Electrical PE Review video I watched when starting to study for the PE, and I think it's a great little review!


Thanks. Better than an hour long online lecture which i slept all the way .


I've learned more in twelve minutes than in all my semester, and I'm french


Great explanation of the "-ance" type electrical components. Still confusing to memorize but it has helped in understanding. thanks Zach


Comparing all of these terms at once really cleared a lot of my confusion up!


Best explanation ive seen. Im a final year ChemEng student, about to graduate and as a college requirement i have to do circuits and electronics and boy am I like a deer in headlights lmao. 10/10


why inductor opposes sudden change in current?
Ans: When the current flowing through an inductor changes, the time-varying magnetic field induces an electromotive force (e.m.f.) (voltage) in the conductor, described by Faraday's law of induction. According to Lenz's law, the induced voltage has a polarity (direction) which opposes the change in current that created it. As a result, inductors oppose any changes in current through them.


Super helpful in clarifying these differences.


So many similar sounding terms that are easy to confuse. Thanks for clearing them up for me.


Seriously, Thanks alot, cleared well this term


it's useful n Tmmrw is my xam... feeling gud to see this Tdy 😊


Thank u thank u thank u pls make more of those 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Thank you very much sir for your help .
This video really helped me alot for preparing my online test in this lockdown 🙏


That's not a doubleyou, that's an omega..., also siemens is 1/ohms. Siemens is the multiplicative inverse (not just inverse), or reciprocal of ohms.
