DO BONES GO OUT OF PLACE? What Do Chiropractors DO?

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Do your bones go out of place? Do you need a chiropractor to put your bones back into place, or back into alignment? What do chiropractors do? What is a chiropractic adjustment? If you have been told by your chiropractor that your bones are out of place and that they can put them back into alignment, you need to watch this video to learn how a chiropractic adjustment actually works, and so that if you are having back pain, neck pain, or any other injury or chronic pain that you'd seek a chiropractor or physical therapist for, you can make educated choices about your health.
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thank you for the honesty. I've gone through over a year of total regular adjustments; x rays never look any different and I always revert back to pain if I stop going. but x rays show the reason I need an adjustment? they never look different after adjustments. the reason I do not commit to long intensive plans. muscle work seems to work better


But if a vertebrae really does get "stuck" as people say, does it get stuck due to subtle shifting in it's positioning? And since facet capsules are richly innervated this altered positioning and pressure although subtle could be quite painful and this is what is called a subluxation? ?


Love the video! I always thought of chiropractic as restoring lost range of motion rather than making sure everything is "in alignment".

One question I have that never seems to be addressed is when Chiros are measuring Leg length I get it can be a bunch of stuff that might cause leg length to be uneven but once they bend the knees thats just measuring Tibia lengths right?

I feel like I hear them say things like "Right leg goes long when I bend the knees." or stuff like that but unless the Tibia was a different size isn't that impossible?


I’ve been seeing a chiropractor for 2 months now I literally feel way worse than when I started I think I’m gonna stop and give my body time to heal.


So what do you recommend if were are feeling pain how can we heal ourselves what can we do what do u recommend please help please ty


The introduction is all I needed to stay.


If we learned to properly strength-train and stabilize our joints (as a hypermobile person), might that help to keep an adjustment? I'm thinking particularly or my "floppy" shoulder joints that constantly shift and pop. My hips and SI joints do the same. Can you do a series on how to best stabilize these joints?? Please!?


Please could you explain what role tom Meyer's anatomy trains principle plays in spinal alignment? I have seen the vertebrae move into different positions as i loosened the soft tissue and sometimes hear random clicks as i work with the soft tissue...if this makes sense to you could you please explain what exactly causes the clicking and why those people I have seen that with has longer lasting and better results than when they went to chiros and physios?


Ok so I believe you when you say "out of alignment" is a myth - the more reading i do the more the data seems pretty clear (where it exists at least lol) and I've had imaging on my hips that tells me the bones are all where they should be! So what could lead to the feeling that the hip is moving differently within the right socket (leg with lots of chronic pain) vs the left one? Same with my shoulders. I experience the sensation as if they were not positioned the same both at rest and in movement, and so I feel "uneven" even if i'm not particularly more asymetrical in a skeletal sense from any other rando. Meanwhile, I experience a lot of pain and tension on my right side that doctors have yet to explain - wondering if you have any resources or anywhere to point to?


Please can you tell me why I would basically feel crippled after going to a chiropractor for 2 months? I literally way feel worse than when I started and I feel so scammed cause I signed up for a treatment plan for thousands! Please what should I do? I feel like I can’t keep going back. If bones don’t move out of place and essentially adjustments are restoring motion in the joints, why does my entire spine feel more locked up than it did before? I feel like I’m having some kind of adverse reaction to the adjustments like it’s having the opposite affect on my joints. I’m way stiffer and in way more pain then before I started. My spine feels so stiff like bending and twisting now feels like it’s completely locked up like I can barely bend in any direction my spine is so locked up now. And I have shooting pains that I never had before going.


Dr chris raynor must like this guy! This guy should of been a real doctor.


Getting a Bill Nye the Science Guy vibe here.


Good God what a crap!!!! 🤣 Tell that to a hypermobile person, we would have a great laugh about this video.
