Trump's Food Aid Cuts Threaten 'Suffering & Hunger' Across U.S.

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President Donald Trump's new budget proposal targets food assistance across the United States and critical programs for public health, says Mike Lavender of the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Food & Environment program

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It's the same story over and over again. Poor people get hit first among a list of many other things. The United States is in 20 Trillion dollars in debt and people are gonna feel the pain.
"There's no such thing as a free lunch" - Milton Friedman
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


how about cutting the funds going to Wall St. Banksters to keep their indexes at all time highs ...


Watching Trump's America is like watching a drunk bus driver, you can't help the people on the bus, all you can do is watch the carnage unfold. :-(


if you cut subsidies too far, you're going to end up like venezuela: empty fields, and food shortages. but, that's what it looked like before you introduced subsidies, too, isn't it?


Good to know TRNN bothered to read the changes to the SNAP program. The budget cuts (and the new directives) go into battling people on the SNAP program who are taking advantage of the system. Not one Republican is considering taking someone who is on food stamps off the assistance if they require and qualify for it legitimately. It has become common knowledge to legislatures that this had been a problem for a while. When this channel is so ignorant on basic topics of policy really discredits the whole notion that this is a news channel, and not a channel that is only here to discredit points they don't agree with.
