PROJECT SHADOW (2023) | Full Short Film (ORIGINAL pt-br) -ft: @Freshfilmesoficial

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Project Shadow is a fan made short film written and directed by "João Filipe Santiago", filmed by @Freshfilmesoficial , with Original Voice Acting by @dubrasiloficial , and Original Soundtrack and SFX by @AMARGEMrec , inspired by latest Sonic Movies.

Air Shoes Narrator: Tatá Guarnieri
G.U.N. General: Guilherme Marques
Emergency Alarm: Alice Caffagni

Extra Special Thanks to Gabriel Santana

This short film will tell the backstory of Shadow the Hedgehog 50 years ago at Space Colony ARK, stay tuned for more details and updates here and on Instagram @JoaoFilipe_SA

Consider sending a *Super thanks* or *Join Membership* to support the project and the channel and get acess to some exclusive stuff!

0:00 - Project Shadow
0:20 - Prologue
4:07 - Living in the Space Colony ARK
5:56 - Air Shoes!
7:26 - G.U.N. is Watching
7:52 - Shadow and Maria's dreams
9:42 - The Possibilities Are Endless
11:41 - Testing Shadow's powers
13:03 - G.U.N's Mission
13:50 - Hope
15:31- The Raid
25:59 - Post Credits

#ShadowTheHedgehog #SonicMovie3 #Teaser #UltimateLifeForm #SonictheHedgehog #SonicMovie #SonicMovie2 #MariaRobotnik #GeraldRobotnik #SpaceColonyARK #FullMovie #ShortFilm
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Thank you all for your support for Project Shadow! You're awesome and I'm so glad to see your reactions!

If you wanna support Project Shadow and my channel consider Joining Membership for Exclusive Content soon!


Muito obrigado a todo apoio ao curta, fico muito grato de ver as reações de vcs ao Projeto Shadow!

Se vc quer apoiar o projeto e o canal, considere Tornar-se Membro para acesso a conteúdo exclusivo em breve!



22:23 The way everything turned black and white except for his eyes and rings, followed by his heart wrenching scream sent chills down my spine. I know this isn't official, but having Shadow witness Maria's death again in this setting made me cry. Compared to how the games handled it, this is one of the best ways how her death was handled as well as Shadow's reaction to it. I just wanna hug him and tell him everything is okay 😭


No me canso de decirlo, este proyecto ya apuntaba alto y aun así, se ha superado. Gran trabajo a Joao y a todo el equipo! Ahora necesitamos una versión en Español jeje. #ProjectShadowEnEspañol


Crazy to see a fanmade movie like this reach the same quality as big movie studios, incredible work and super excited to see the full video in about a hour!


Tanto orgulho do nosso Brasil 🇧🇷, esse é o melhor fã filme que já assistir, SHADOW tem uma das melhores histórias de fundo já contadas na série Sonic e vcs conseguiram retratar tudo com uma precisa perfeição.❤️


Finalmente uno de los proyectos más increíbles de Sonic. Apoyad muchísimo esto porque no sabéis la cantidad de trabajo que ha hecho Joao y su equipo. Dad todo el amor del mundo a la mejor película fanfilm de Sonic <3
PD: Todos a comentar #ProjectShadowEnEspañol para que haya doblaje en nuestro idioma también!


I think we can all agree that with this, these people are setting a new bar of quality for fanmade films


The scene of Maria sacrificing herself for Shadow and his scream after witnessing her death made me cry so much.

I've seen the other versions of Maria's death but no one made me cry like this one.


Foi um prazer e uma honra enorme dar vida a Maria Robotnik, uma personagem tão empática, inteligente e amorosa 💛 Obrigada a todos da equipe, vocês são foda!


Cara, acho que ja vi esse fan filme umas tres vezes desde que lançou. Realmente muito bom! Espero que lancem mais conteudo de sonic no futuro ❤


This short film was amazing, shadow's animations was beautiful. Loved how the Inhibitor rings played a purpose in the story, how they were supposed to be the key to deciphering his genetic code and control his powers, yet they were a deciding factor that prevented him from saving Maria because they were desperately trying to fulfill their purpose and prevent his Chaos Powers from overwhelming his body. Really loved the plot point that Shadow's powers and DNA were in constant flux preventing Gerald Robotnik from decrypting his genetic code in order to save his granddaughter, a reasonable explanation for why Shadow was never able to heal Maria in the proper canon despite being on the Space Colony Ark with her for years. Also loved the remarkably grey area of the G.U.N., wanting to use Shadow as a weapon to protect their home country without any casualties, but how they were obsessed with a powerful weapon that is Shadow and how they betrayed Gerald robotnik out of greed wasn't really helping their case in Shadow's understandable hatred towards them.

This short film was brilliant, almost collaborating with the lore of the movies to the point it is my personal headcanon for the movie franchise until the third Sonic movie comes out.


Rapaz, isso ficou bom num nível!! Parabéns à equipe!! Se não tiver um flashback desses no filme, eu vou ficar muito decepcionado kkkk!


That was amazing. You can really hear the emotion in Shadow's voice when *it* happens. And that tease at the end! I really hope this is how it goes in Sonic 3. Hats off to everyone who worked on this!


This is single handedly one of the best fanmade sonic productions ever. The showcasing of how shadow got both his rocket shoes and inhibitor rings coupled with the amount of references not only in shadow’s fight scenes but with the unused music from the 2005 game make this again, one of, if not the best fanmade sonic productions out there. You really did do shadow’s backstory justice with this, I doubt the 3rd sonic movie will even come close to doing shadow as well as he was done here, bravo man, bravo.


O Brabo voltou e voltou com TUDO!!!!

Muito feliz de poder participar desse projeto



Sem palravras para essse projeto! SIMPLESMENTE INCRÍVEL CARAAAA! A sua evolução me surpreendeu demais João, eu lembro de ter te conhecido através do Lucas Almeida, quando vc até fez animacão pare ele e tals... EU AMEI ISSO DEMAIS!! Sério, sempre continue sendo essa pessoa talentosa mano, Parabéns ao Projeto Shadow💙


Would love to watch this live if I didn't have to be awake at 3:30am.


Quanta felicidade e orgulho de poder ver o resultado desse trabalho, já superou todas minhas expectativas, parabéns e que Deus abençoe, meu Jota. Te amo ❤.


Simplesmente sensacional. Todos que conhecem e são fãs do ouriço negro deveriam ver isso. Gostei das referências, chorei muito, e gostei de ver o lado mais.. sentimental do Shadow como fizeram. É sempre bom ver esses projetos da comunidade e da pra ver que esse foi feito com muita dedicação e carinho. Parabéns a equipe, ao elenco e a todos. Muito sucesso.


I love how you put in so much detail and effort into this. It feels like I can walk into the world of Sonic and be 50+ years into the past.
