Mass Exodus as Fans REJECT Racist Woke Hollywood + Doctor Who, Disney & Netflix EXPOSED

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The historical revisionism of media has reached another turning point, now with Netflix erasing lawyers from history, Doctor Who reimagining major historical figures & even comics like Moon Knight are getting targeted. It's a lot so let's talk.

Twitter: @EndymionYT
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Thank you for watching, I am SICK of this. Cultural revisionism has to stop, it’s beyond insulting at this point.

Instagram: endymionn
Twitter: EndymionYT


There needs to be something put in place that prevents Hollywood from portraying British history and culture. Because I'm sick and tired of all of it.


I’m convinced woke activists never learned anything from school like basic English and science and history.😂😂😂


Hollywood is literally rewriting history


The black woman in Painkiller was like the woman in Chernobyl. In one episode she girlbossed a little too hard and I thought "did she really have this large a role?". So I googled her name and it turned out she didn't even exist lol.


As a black man from an african country, I would like Hollywood to produce a biopic of Nelson Mandela with Ryan Reynolds as the main lead. They want to switch historical figures, so let's do it properly. Ryan Reynolds as Nelson Mandela, Jennifer Lawrence as Rosa Park, Tom Hollande as Thomas Sankara and so on. All jokes aside, this hollywood trend has become sickening and frustrating. Anyway, let them bleed money, it's the only language they talk. If they don't change their mind, well bankruptcy is an option


I would like to know how people in Hollywood can blatantly say that they hate and want to tick off their customers and keep their jobs (or even get promoted), yet anyone in any other industry does that and they're fired.


The lawyers who actually did the work ought to sue if they try to put "Based on a true story" in the film or claim anything of the sort in its advertising. Last time I checked, false advertising was still a crime.


Thanks for making this. I watched that Painkiller and had no idea the history had been edited that way (though it was clearly dramatized).


Rule 1: don't force any form of representation when it's not necessary (mainly most "woke" ideologies)

Rule 2: be faithful to the source material

Rule 3: make sure your project is well promoted

Rule 4: listen to the fans

Rule 5: don't attack the fans

Rule 6: don't trick or attempt to trick the fans with fake content in advertisements or media coverage

Rule 7: admit to and learn from your mistakes/show humility

Rule 8: if you want to make characters and situations that are relatable, make sure you give them real development!

Rule 9: manage your budget wisely

Rule 10: don't feel afraid to take a risk by producing new and original stories!

Feel free to suggest some more rules


Does everyone remember how they were carrying on about how terrible it is that Apu (in the Simpsons) was voiced by a non-Indian? It is pretty much the same people who say it's great that Newton is portrayed by an Indian. So which is it? Is race swapping good or bad?


This fake virtue signaling mentality is despicable. What they did to the 3 persons who triumphed against the pharmaceutical industry is a new low.


A lot of this ESG acceptance in Marvel/Disney is because many of the characters copyrights are about to expire and they’re trying to tank and tarnish the original characters so their new characters won’t be under scrutiny for making payments to the creators and their estates. They’re not actually caring about this crap. But they get to claim virtue in the process of destroying what other people created just so they can keep all the money.


Sadly the creators aren't crazy and unable to see what they are doing. They know exactly what they are doing and doing it with purpose. They are evil people and their sole intention is to divide and foment chaos.


In the case of Doctor Who, I'm confused why they tore down and deprecated the male Doctor. Keep in mind, I am an not at all knowledgeable on DW lore, but I remember being really fond of Rose Tyler; she was an excellent companion to the Doc, and served to pose differing ideas to the Doctor. If they want a female/nonwhite Doctor, cool, but give the character a partner who challenges their ideas, who sometimes even opposes them.

The one episode I remember most, where the Doctor and Rose essentially teleport into Area 51, the Doctor is about to straight up kill a Dalek. And it makes sense why, Daleks are literal murder roombas. But this particular Dalek was tortured by the scientists of the facility, which Rose immediately attempted to put a stop to. In an extremely tense scene, Rose and the Dalek are put into a room together... And the Dalek refuses to attack. It spares Rose Tyler. Rose again throws herself in front of it, arguing that by killing this machine, the Doctor would destroy a part of himself. And the Doctor, in a shakey voice, tells her that all the Daleks are dead. The Dalek dies, opening the machine up so the creature inside could feel the sun.


If the culture war wasn't a thing and they hired Ncuti Gatwa I would've thought nothing of it, but because it is a thing and how Disney now has the streaming rights, it just feels like forced diversity for pandering sake.


Every time photos of these re-imagined historical figures appeared, I literally looked away from the screen. A certain level of stupidity and selfishness of people in Hollywood is simply unbearable.
The worst thing about all this is that even if a historical figure or the author of the universe is still alive, they can still spit in his face and pretend that he doesn't exist and never existed. I've been dreaming about a Witcher TV series for years, and now I really wish it had never been made.


I had no idea about Pain Killer. From Netflix's portayal I assumed it was this black female person. Not a black washed strong female girl boss Mary Sue. The destruction of historical events is wrong and will kill Netflix. I feel these liberal left leaning company (Netflix, Disney/Marvel etc) will happily watch the world burn around them... and then it does, they'll claim they're the victim and not realise it's their fault


CSI, NCIS, Law & Order, Lucifer, Brooklyn 99, Monk, Bones, and virtually every other crime show doesn't have one main character for the audience to focus on. All the characters have different dynamics that compliment each other to solve the case but also sometimes conflict to cause a little bit of drama. People could easily have followed the three lawyers in Painkiller.


Unfortunately I've already seen Painkiller as I knew nothing about the real events & was intrigued by the story. I now understand that the investigator character was race swopped so the story played out as - 'heroic person from minority demographic single handedly takes down evil white man company.' My IQ dropped as I wrote that.
