Choro Kupi | Silas Kikon

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Introducing another Naga legendary singer: Silas Kikon

Silas Kikon was born 19-10-56 from Lakhuti Village and started singing and writing songs at a very young age, truly inspired by the beatles.

He was the most popular singer during from 80s till 20th century among his contemporary singers and legendary singer of his time.

He was famously remembered for his hit songs 'Choro Kupi'and his contribution towards the promotion of Lotha songs in this modern era.

Famously wrote, arranged, produced and played almost all of his hit records.The first album was relaxed on 1993, the second was in 2003 and the third one in 2008

The world went into mourning on 25th June 2016 when the Legendary singer died.

Choro Kupi
Music & Lyrics by Silas Kikon, 1993

Aiyo choro kupi na phanthi khi ni nhyaka vam
Ayo ha Apo onina nzyu tinyan nzantacho
Hoji yuta jilo ayona ntiolyui, esütsü unshü cho sana
Ena emhokcho, ena echunga engae khi zetale
Ayona untia a ünjanlancho

Tole unsümo jo ombona haphoe chowo
Menseta Potsowoe zekachi zesi
Ayona ethüngi na pyontae ünyithüng
Apo na ombo ünchüthüng ntio phyocho sana ezocho

Ana nchümcheta eni ünpyonta to phyotao ji
Ji tsükona eni yizüng jang penphia vancho
Tolia ünchüngo eni pyontae yiaka
Tolia atisüchüma vankho na a eloeyo, ntiotsole

Aiyo choro kupi na phanthi khi ni nhyaka vam

Nina engakvü Potsowoe zekachina
Shantio jan yolo ana the vamüka
Si shantio jang yolo choroji kupi na
Ana ni zejochia vamüka
Osi eni ngaro jang randanivka

Osi küthüngji eni oyi üntoktav ato
To ana phanthi khi ni nyaka vamka
Anzantsoro mhona tae vankhe na
Osi zakto oyi a ntok khe na

Osi nina hüthüng oyi antokha na
Okhe yonchia salüm shi ni pisi
Ünpyontao meta jilo vantavka
Hoji jo ünchinkon longshi tae tsovka hojicho

Choro ji kupi moe ünchinkon meta jilo
Рекомендации по теме

Aiyo choro kupi na phanthi khi ni nhyaka vam
Ayo ha Apo onina nzyu tinyan nzantacho
Hoji yuta jilo ayona ntiolyui, esütsü unshü cho sana
Ena emhokcho, ena echunga engae khi zetale
Ayona untia a ünjanlancho

Tole unsümo jo ombona haphoe chowo
Menseta Potsowoe zekachi zesi
Ayona ethüngi na pyontae ünyithüng
Apo na ombo ünchüthüng ntio phyocho sana ezocho

Ana nchümcheta eni ünpyonta to phyotao ji
Ji tsükona eni yizüng jang penphia vancho
Tolia ünchüngo eni pyontae yiaka
Tolia atisüchüma vankho na a eloeyo, ntiotsole

Aiyo choro kupi na phanthi khi ni nhyaka vam

Nina engakvü Potsowoe zekachina
Shantio jan yolo ana the vamüka
Si shantio jang yolo choroji kupi na
Ana ni zejochia vamüka
Osi eni ngaro jang randanivka

Osi küthüngji eni oyi üntoktav ato
To ana phanthi khi ni nyaka vamka
Anzantsoro mhona tae vankhe na
Osi zakto oyi a ntok khe na

Osi nina hüthüng oyi antokha na
Okhe yonchia salüm shi ni pisi
Ünpyontao meta jilo vantavka
Hoji jo ünchinkon longshi tae tsovka hojicho

Choro ji kupi moe ünchinkon meta jilo


I am an Assamese and I love my Naga Brothers, Silas was a rare gem. I listen to him almost everyday...


Thank you @Alobo for introducing me to Late Silas Kikon. Yes! Truly there's something special in his voice🙏. Ironically I began to like Lotha language even more 😍.


My naga frn made me listen to this song … I’m so surprised most of the old Naga song sounds so much the American old country music … I love this song 🇺🇸🇮🇳


0:25 I'll be awake beneath the moonlit night, awaiting you.

0:37 My parents shared a love that spanned fifty years. Throughout that time, we often wondered why our mother never shed a tear in moments of loss.

When we asked her, she offered no response.

1:20 Yet last night, as her journey drew to a close, she stepped outside. A tranquil smile graced her face as she lifted her gaze to the moonlit sky. Before her departure, she shared with us the words our father had spoken to her before he left this world:

1:57 ''I remember the promise we made—to never part from one another. It is that sacred vow that has held me steadfast all these years. But now, as we must go our separate ways, I ask you to never leave me in spirit, for I shall be standing beneath the moonlight, awaiting you.

2:45 When you look up at the sky, you will find me among the stars, gazing down upon you with unwavering love. I shall continue to pray for and bless our children from afar.

3:24 When the time comes for us to reunite, I will be here, waiting for you, my dearest wife. Until then, be well, and hold our love close to your heart.

4:00 Please, come to me soon. When that day arrives, I will extend my arms to embrace you, and together we will step into a land where parting is no more—a realm of eternal joy.

4:32 That place, my love, is none other than the eternal land beneath the moonlit night.”

Disclaimer: This interpretation seeks to preserve the sentiment and meaning of the original song. Any unintentional misrepresentation or offense caused is purely accidental and not intended to harm or disrespect anyone.


It's my First time hearing a Lotha song and it sounds great. Such a classic.


Why can't Nagad identify it's gem? He is a hero, lets respect him..


Though I can't understand what he is singing about, seriously his voice is so captivating. It just doesn't need a language for you to understand this song. HIS SOULFUL voice is enough!


I dont think someone will replace his melodious my life time. Aporo ur immortal voice will rule centuries to come..


He was my uncle best friend they use spent time together every hours with silly jokes they always laugh..hope he is in heaven Rip 😭✌️🏼


RIP I will always remember you singing along side with my You were gem of a man ❤


Omg 13 years back and am still listening


Very beautiful song, I’ve heard lots of Lotha songs but this is the best so Far.
May God bless the listeners.


One of dad favourite song, its countless how many times my dad play this song but unfortunately I can only listen to this song alone and miss my dad like crazy I miss you dad😞😢


missing you my uncle n ur son n daughter want u back 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Thank you so much Mr Silas Kikon ❤️ ...
Dis song was my dad's favourite song.... Now He's in Heaven and this song is the only memory of his presence, 😭😭😭 whenever I listen to this song. I missed my Dad alot!!


I'm frm sumi community but I really love this song


I can't understand what this song means but it's melody is 🔥🔥🔥.
One of the best Lotha sing I've ever heard


My father's fav song🎉❤❤❤❤n my fav tooo😢


Silas is Freddie of lotha's such a raw vocalist. Thanks man Alobo for this 🤛
