Scream of Science - Lets Go

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Scream of Science is the new project between the 2brothers Arturo Maia and Manolo Kamikaze from MexicoCity. Born to express groover ideas and entering into awhole new world of sound and textures, Scream of Scienceis fully packed with 1000% of jumping energy, dynamicbreaks and dance-floor surprises.A refresh way to listen astyle of music glued with power and joy and with this newconcept, S of S tries to make the ride even intenser, turningthe notch higher by bringing clever and riskier ideas.So... we are Scream of Science and we are here to recruityou.Are you ready ?!!
Рекомендации по теме

tssss y con la foto de xochimilco en el WAITING FOR THE SUNRISE..!!!
buen trip cuando la tocaron..
muy muy buenaaa..!!
