PolyConf 14: Cross-platform functional programming with F# / Michał Łusiak

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When you think about .NET developers, you probably imagine boring guy in a suit coding somewhere in cubicle in glass tower of some evil enterprise company. Surrounded by others alike. Thousands of them. And we earned it. But this world is changing at very fast pace. Microsoft is open sourcing tons of stuff, and bringing to our availability new shiny tools and awesome languages. Like F#. And there's big community, doing lots of stuff to make those technologies available on all platforms, with full support of Redmond.

In this talk I'm gonna show you how mature this solutions are. How easily you can develop applications that will run on Windows, Mac or Linux. Or how with very high code reuse you can write apps for all major mobile platforms. All with magic of functional programming provided by F#. It's gonna be awesome!
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