My WARNING about the rapture.

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Brace yourselves...

We'll soon have a whole new round of end times panic on our hands.

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With each passing day, Jesus' return is closer than the day before, but we belong to the welcoming committee, not the planning committee.


Three truths I share when asked about the second coming of Christ:
1. It’s certain to happen.
2. It hasn’t happened yet.
3. This means we should be more intentional and vigorous about sharing the gospel today than we were yesterday.
I don’t need to know the timing, I need to know the One who is coming and be faithful to the mission and ministry given into our keeping until he returns.
Thank you for your faithful witness, Mike.


I used to argue pre/post trib but I took a breath and asked the Lord what He thought and I heard Him say clearly, "Be ready, for in the hour you think not, the son of man is coming!" So instead of arguing, I'm teaching, "Be ready .."


Ive sinned so many times and every day i keep asking God for forgiveness but i keep repeating please guys pray for me


I’ve been a Christian for only maybe 65 years 😂. Heard it all my life. My concern is have you repented and confessed Jesus is Lord and king in your life. Every generation says this. It’s crazy because the world is crazy. I want to be home with Jesus. But also the rest of my family. 🎉🎉my mom was 93 when she died on her death bed. She is happy with the Lord. I’m so thankful. God bless. ❤


"I've heard so many rapture predictions I don't even care anymore." These are my sentiments exactly! I believe Christ is coming back and I pray that when he does he finds me faithfully (if imperfectly) at my post! Making much of him and assembling as many as possible who know and love him!!! ❤️🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌


I had a rapture dream back in the 90’s - however it was a lesson where the Lord was trying to teach me something, I actually felt myself changing and being drawn upward, but it stopped mid air because instead of focusing on what was happening and being joyful that I was being taken up to be with the Lord, I instead started looking around to find my mother to see if she was going as well. I was very close to my mother, even as an adult and tended to rely more heavily on her advise than seeking the Lord for myself. Once I stopped mid air the Lord spoke to me that I was to look to him and put him first as it is through him that my salvation comes. A very valuable lesson, so yes I’ve had a rapture dream, it felt so real that I can still feel how my body was changing in the moment, even after all these years. No one had been talking about the rapture during that time, but the Lord knew
what I needed to get the message across of the importance of depending on him and not putting others before him. First of the 10 commandments.
Now, Because I had a rapture dream do I know when it will occur?, no. But the Bible does tell us we should be aware of the times and seasons, Jesus admonished the religious leaders of his day for being so caught up in religiosity and politics of their time that they were missing the very fact of his coming being right before their very eyes. Do I believe the rapture will be soon? Yes, the players are maneuvering in place for it to be able to occur at anytime: Israel is a nation after 2000 years of the Jews being scattered around the world, so the end time clock is definitely ticking. Sin is rampant, Christianity is no longer a reputable thing for the ungodly to hide behind and pretend outwardly while what they do behind closed doors is horrific, now the time has come for true Christianity to be mocked and discounted, disdain for Christianity is flaunted everywhere- movies, music, all the cultural Propagandists ( what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong), deception everywhere, Satan no longer hides- he is celebrated. Christians are mocked. Those that are in apostasy celebrate evil and approve of evil doers and welcome them into leadership in the churches, being deceived by their own sense of self righteousness they confuse love with permission to sin unrepentantly, not remembering when Jesus forgave, he said go and sin no more, he did not give permission to continue to revel in it. Birth pangs galore, weather changes, wars and rumors of wars, people rushing here and there, knowledge increased exponentially, according to NASA Apophis asteroid to come so close to earth in 2029 that it will take out satellites, millionaires building underground bunkers to save themselves, WEF plans of setting up a one world government control through AI and also a controlled one world digital banking on the horizon, to be used by an eventual one world leader that will start out well but eventually lead this world in to a living hell on earth. So, yes it’s soon and people need to be made aware of all the prophetic things that are falling in to place that point to that season we are in, they need to know so they can get things right with the Lord, so whether they die first, or go in the rapture when it happens, they will be safe for an eternity with the God who loved them enough to die in their place. So let’s spread the word even more diligently than ever.


I have had dreams that I know were from the Lord, and I know the end is near. I know others who have also had dreams or visions. More than that, I have felt a great urgency, and I know many other Christians who have felt it too, not just a feeling but an urgent tug or push in the Spirit.
You can not convince me that the world was more evil or the same "back in the day." Evil has not been called good so openly and accepted as it is right now. The end is near.
That being said, I will not claim a day or hour for that is quite foolish, and I will not run to the hills in panic. I will live ever ready and more urgently share the gospel and live it. We don't have time to waste. People need Jesus.


I really find Mike's outlook to be refreshing. He seems to be reasonable and cautious, he tends to focus on the rational application of scripture to our daily lives. I appreciate his ministry very much.


I agree Mike, people are quoting scriptures, speculating the different signs. Only God knows the hour, I appreciate your ministry and you. God bless you.


My daily prayer is and always will be.
Come Quickly Lord Jesus
Even so thy will be done.


I have been a Christian for over 50 years. I have been and continue to live as though Christ could come at any moment. If the Lord gives me a few more years here on Earth, I will continue to live in anticipation of the rapture. The point being I focus on living for Christ in an ever increasingly threatening and dark world. The blessed hope makes that a much more tolerable endeavor.


I had two dreams about the rapture, so vivid. This was around 2021-2022
First dream:
I'm outside my house, its midday, sun is out. I'm standing in the driveway (in my human body), in fact I look like what I look like today. I'm surrounded by millions of white doves. As far as the East is from the West. I had a sense that we were waiting for something. The doves are hovering/flying above the ground at about hip-height. And then a feeling of needing to look up, so I glance up into the sky Eastward (I'm in NZ for those wanting to calculate Eastward). And I see the clouds split in half and rolled away on either side as if commanded to do so with poise, comfort and powerful looking - and in the middle of where it parted, in clear blue sky, was Jesus Christ, without a doubt 100% and he was slowly descending but he did not touch ground, as if he was waiting for us to come up. I calculated he was about 100m away at least, maybe 200m up in the air roughly. But I knew exactly that's Jesus Christ.
Then I felt a sudden whooshing feeling like we were about to fly. Closest example of the feeling of being raptured, is like a rollercoaster when it's about to take off. I couldn't look a Jesus directly because his light was so powerful. And I wake up.

Second dream:
I'm still at my house, I'm still in my human body, I look as though what I look like now (terms of age) but unlike the first dream I hear the trumpet blow, and it resonates through your entire body, you can feel it. And my body starts to change/transform. As this is happening, I'm observing my hands. My hands were glowing like crystal gold and white, like starlight mixed with gold. and then it took over my entire body. And I became this golden starlight being. And then I get the sensation like the roller coaster of being lifted out of here. And then I wake up.

Jesus Christ is real. The rapture is real. Those who are saved will be saved from the wrath to come.


We don't know the day. Only God knows. However what is happening is pointing to something coming. We need to be alert, awake. Yes no one knows the day or hour. However it is not time to be asleep.


Thank you for this! When I was a teenager I was really obsessed with YouTube videos predicting the end times or prophecies or even stories about near death experiences from Christians. I was not mature yet in my journey and I honestly trusted so many other Christians because I thought many were sincere. It wasn’t until so many prophecies didn’t come through that I realized how many false prophets they are and honestly it’s still forgivable sin but what made it worse is that most did not repent and humble themselves.

I was so wrapped into all of it that I had my own “prophetic dream” that confirmed one of the rapture dates going around. It later turned out to be false of course and when I realized my prophetic dream wasn’t a prophesy, I knew I was wrong. It’s such a slippery slope because Satan can still give us spiritual dreams which are not from God. There is a reason that we are to test the spirits, because not everything that is spiritual comes from God.


This reminds me of being a kid on a long road trip with my parents and asking, 'Are we there yet...' every waking hour. It also reminds me of my pre-born again days, when I realized the tarot couldn't tell me anything about the future or anything I didn't already know - and then hearing in someone's testimony that relying on something like tarot is akin to not trusting God - which was pivotal for me. Our trust in God keeps us on point - keeps our head in the game - keeps us moving forward - keeps us in awe - keeps us growing - keeps our relationship with Him fresh. He is in back of, with, and ahead of us - He has the best intel - He can twist the enemy's plot to benefit us - I wouldn't want to go into battle without Him [and we are in a spiritual theater of war]. Yeah. We don't need to know and micromanage every little detail...we need to trust, rest and flow - listen and obey.


💯 Pastor Mike! The devil loves to distract us from living out the gospel.


Even if Jesus didn't come back until a hundred years from now, no one knows when their time is up. We need to always be ready for either His coming or for when we die, which ever comes first.


I cannot wait for His return and with each passing day, the things that are going on in the world are grieving me more and more. I am so excited for it and we soo need it


I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day - and not only to me, *but also to all who have longed for His appearing* (2 Timothy 4:7)
