United Boeing 377 Stratocruiser Hawaii Travelogue - 1950

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I was a FE on this airplane, 4000 hrs . Love it


A bag of pretzels, 8 oz of water and a crowded middle seat is what the airlines are so proud of selling today.


My father was stationed in Germany during the mid fifties and my mother, sisters and I flew across the Atlantic to be with him . We flew put of NYC on a DC4 and returned a couple of years later on a Lockheed Constellation. As I recall we were dressed in our Sunday best for the flights. What wonderful childhood memories.


I just watched this video while sitting in the airport waiting to board a 737 that will have the leg room appropriate for 3 year old.


According to the Wikipedia page, this flight was totally first class. Until the jet age, the most economical transport to Hawaii was the cruise ship.


Back when people dressed up for plane or train travel. What a nice historical gem. Why anyone would 'dislike' something like this is beyond me.


I couldn't stop smiling while watching this film. Those were the days, my friends.


Today as you relax in your seat a stinky bare foot from some goof behind you is thrust between the seats and rests gently on your arm.


I’m glad I grew up in the fifties I had a glimpse of a life never to be seen again


On one hand, the sardine cans we're flying on these days are an outrageous thing we shouldn't accept.
On the other hand, I have a feeling that back in 1950 you'd have had to be quite rich to get yourself an airplane ticket.


I remember flying in the 60's & 70's. You dressed for the occassion. You were polite, people were actually smiling and engaged. Now it's get on board, strap in, ignore the flight crew announcements, don't bother them and get the hell off when we land because once that door is open, you're on their dime.


It's been so long since gracious classy service has been standard in air travel that I nearly completely forgot it ever existed until last year. I was in Rome returning to the US (non-stop Rome to Chicago) after a spectacular cruise. My wife and I had business class accomodations aboard a United 777 Dreamliner. Before takeoff I ordered a soft drink and received a Coke in a leaded crystal glass brimmed with ice. Memories flooded back. I hadn't drunk from a glass glass in over 30 years on an airliner. The stewardesses were gorgeous, immaculately groomed, consumed with our comfort. Two wonderful meals were served with real silverware, cloth napkins, more crystal glasses, fine wine. I had forgotten that all of this used to be standard stuff even on flights only 90 minutes long if they occurred during dinnertime. Our seats converted in seconds into full size beds. Flying was a real pleasure once again.


I worked for United for 17 years. I was a flight line mechanic. I remember having to wear suits to fly standby. I also remember that the passengers were a different breed of humans. Wealth had nothing to do with it. Politeness and education was what I experienced. Flight attendants which were originally nurses when they first started flying, were extremely friendly and well mannered. Today it’s a different world. Airlines try to squeeze everything they can out of a passenger. Then we have the passengers. A special breed themselves.
Air travel today is sad. It might be a fuselage with wings but it feels like a pick up truck taking you to fields. I fly because I have no choice and yes I fly in coach. Where even a size zero female has trouble getting in and out of her seat.


I just flew back fron Honolulu. It's just a Greyhound with wings now.


This remarcable VIDEO brings me back to the beginning of my First Job at Canadian Pacific Airlines from 1959 to 1969 ... BEAUTIFULL ...


Look how smart and elegant they look today's it's track suit bottoms and hoodies!! What a wonderful era xx


Brings back a lot of memories although I never did fly on a Stratocruiser. I was a Boeing flight line mechanic and worked on all of Northwest Airlines's Stratocruisers preparing them for first flights and delivery to the airlines. Much has changed in commercial airplanes.


I opened this link expecting to see details about a surviving Stratocruiser. Instead I found an actual promo film from back in the day. This was a great surprise! Thanks Classic Airliners!


I was born in '53, the ol' man flew for UAL and as such, I spend a lot of time in DC-6, 7, 8's, Viscounts, an occasional Caravelle, 727's and lastly DC-10's. We almost always flew in 1st class (if room was available), which was perfect for a kid to walk up and spend a bit of time in the cockpit. Naturally everyone wore their Sunday best back then - a great backdrop for the awesome metal wings (with a 2 inch pin) that kids got from the pretty, shapely Stew's. If you stabbed yourself, one's parents called you a stupid kid vs today - where they call their lawyer and sue the airline. Sure miss those days, it was a wonderful time. A Golden Age. I can't stand flying anywhere now...


The Navigator using 'celestial navigation'!!!! Classic!!!
