How Did Romania and Chad End Up With The Same Flag?

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I sincerely apologise on the absolute tragedy of me pronuncing Wallachia and Moldavia/Moldova, thanks to the people who pointed it out and gave the proper pronunciations


As any civilised person, he found a way to blame the French.


Wow youtubes actually recommending good creators with small audiences???


Chad: “You copycat!”
Romania: “We invented it!”
France: *Sweating and eyeing the conflict*
Andorra: *Sweating in terror*
Moldova: *Sweating profusely*


So what did we learn today kids?
It's always the French's fault


Perfect solution: add Andorran coat of arms to both Chad and Romanian flags to make all 3 indistinguishable


So, Chad designed an unoriginal flag to avoid designing an unoriginal flag.


The "Romania being the Chad" joke actually made me laugh out loud.


1:09 It is important to note that the color scheme was inspired by heraldry present on diplomas emitted by former voievode of Wallachia, Michael the Brave, who actually ruled over an united Romania for a year back in 1600. Hence the inspiration.


To be fair...

The problem with Chad's first flag was that it was too close to Mali's. It had the same colors, the only difference was the lack of a little doodle.
The problem with Chad's 2nd flag is that it was too close to Romania's. It had the same colors, the only difference was the lack of a little insignia.

...Do you see my point? Chad's blue-yellow-red flag should've been contested since the very beginning. It doesn't matter that Romania changed its flag later on to become more similar to Chad's; Chad's flag was _already_ too close.


I am a romanian. What I can tell you is I don't care if Chad has that flag and I find it funny how chad literally went to the UN to cry about how Romania stole the flag lmao.


The Indonesian and Monaco flags look the same, but here's the story behind them: Monaco's flag was adopted in April 1881. Chosen by Prince Charles III in 1881, the national banner recalls the colors of the Grimaldi coat of arms, which themselves recall the red and white colors of the heraldry of the Genoese Republic, the cradle of the Prince's Family. Monaco's flag has a 4:5 ratio and Indonesia's at 2:3. And the shade of red is darker for Monaco.

The Indonesian flag's colors are derived from the banner of the 13th century Majapahit Empire. However, it has been suggested that the red and white symbolism can trace its origin to the older common Austronesian mythology of the duality of Mother Earth (red) and Father Sky (white). This is why these colours appear in so many flags throughout Austronesia, from Tahiti to Madagascar. In the early 20th century these colours were revived by students and then nationalists, as an expression of nationalism against the Dutch. The modern red and white flag which was first flown in Java in 1928


I'm going to do it.. I'm going to bring The Netherlands into
France's flag is based on the Dutch one.. so all tricolors that are based off of the French flag are in turn based off of the Dutch one 🗿


The oldest country is Romania and it is their historical flag registered when they were member state of the SDN (predecessor of the UN ).


When you said Chad used France's flag, I thought, "Oh, they just replaced France's white with yellow." Well, I had the right idea but wrong color, lol


Moral of the story: The French are always to blame.
But on a more serious note, as a Romanian person myself, this was interesting to learn about! I studied Romanian history in depth at school, but it never crossed my mind to look into *how* exactly it came to be. I was aware that the unification and independence movement of Romania was inspired by the French revolutions, but I was not aware that the flag was also inspired from the flag of the French revolution as well. Thank you for this video and lesson, I learned something new today :)


Haiti and Lichtenstein had the same flag (Blue over Red). This error went unnoticed until they both competed in the 1936 Olympic Games in which they paraded their flags at the opening ceremony.
Lichtenstein later added their Royal crown in Yellow in canton as a differencing mark in 1937.


Here's the story about why the Puerto Rican and Cuban flags are similar: Puerto Ricans and Cubans are brothers in arms. There were groups of pro-independence Cuban and Puerto Rican exiles living in NYC in the 1800s. The Cuban flag was designed by Narciso López and Miguel Teurbe Tolón over dinner there in 1849 (both of them died in Cuba in 1851 and 1857 respectively due to fighting with the Spanish). Known as the Lone Star of López, red represents the bloodshed of the independence fighters (with the triangle representing liberty, equality, and fraternity), the blue stripes represent the three military departments Cuba used to be divided by, and the white represents the purity of the national movement. The star (representing freedom) and the colors red, white, and blue were originally inspired by the US flag, with the star being added to appeal to the US for statehood (though this didn't happen). So yeah, the Cuban flag is one of two flags of a current communist nation that has no communist symbolism (the other being Laos). Fidel kept it because the flag was already revolutionary enough

Like the Cuban flag, the Puerto Rican flag was also designed in NYC by exiles and inspired by the Cuban flag, presented the design to the PR Revolutionary Committee in 1892. The red represents the bloodshed, the two white stripes represent victory and peace, blue represents the sky and the sea, and the star represents the island. The Puerto Ricans created another flag similar to the Dominican Republic's flag that was used during El Grito de Lares in 1868, but this one wasn't used again. So in summary, the US flag inspired the Cuban flag, which then inspired the Puerto Rican flag...inspiration-ception. To recognize NYC's important role in the independence of Cuba, Cuba gifted the city with an equestrian statue of José Martí designed by sculptor Anna Hyatt Huntington that was cast in 1959 and dedicated in 1965, located in the southern end of Central Park


As a Romanian watching this, I think it's a good opportunity to form a broship. Why argue over the flag when we could use it as something to bring us together? I love random broships between countries or peoples, like the Irish and the Choctaw natives in the US or Sri Lanka and Japan, where despite their distance or different culture, some event made them friends. So, long live the Chadian-Romanian broship!


This is why I hate tricolor flags and wished more flags were unique and not just three bars of color.
