Jonathan Majors found guilty in 2 out of 4 counts of assault, harassment

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Actor Jonathan Majors was found guilty of one count of assault and one count of harassment but acquitted for another count of assault and harassment for an alleged attack against his ex-girlfriend.

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As a survivor of domestic violence I'll say I've never chased my abuser for 5 blocks after being being assaulted. The jury got this wrong.


I work in Law Enforcement and this makes me absolutely sick. He didn't shove her into the car, he gently sat her ass in there and ran away. According to the witness who was the driver of the vehicle she was the aggressor not him. If someone tries to take or steal your property you have the right to take it back. She said he struck her head trying to get HIS phone back and he denies it. So the witness denies Majors struck her in the head which I would think is the tie breaker. I believe Majors did everything in his power to get away from her and avoid the fight. He even called the Police after he found her passed out from partying with her injuries. I could agree based on the little bit we know about their relationship that it was toxic and if he really did throw a candle at her head that's wrong. But that's not what they were on trial for. IN THIS CASE, he did the right thing and I commend him for that. He literally ran for his life and she was a track star chasing after him. Clearly she wasn't afraid of him or behave like someone who was just assaulted. And so what if he told her he needs to be like this woman or that woman and called himself great. Women say stuff like that all the time and it's okay. "I'm a great woman. I'm too good for this etc." And for those who "never" argue or fight with their spouses or say stupid things they shouldn't have stayed tuned because it'll happen eventually if you're human. It's a shame and no wonder people get turned off when they have to deal with the law. The jury dropped the ball here big time.


This is ridiculous, no accountability for her. He loses his career because he chose the wrong women.


She aint scared of that man.shes running after him to make matters worse..crazy lady.


Ive never seen someone chase someone, they are affraid of. This is mind-boggling


It’s a crime to ask your partner to not wear revealing clothes or to not come home drunk and loud with your friends??? GTFOH. I’m praying he appeals this and wins! It’s like the jury said, ’Welp we gotta give a guilty for something’


As a man you can't even run away. 💔😭


The saddest part about this is that he’s the one who called for a wellness check on her. If he didn’t call 911, this wouldn’t have happened smh.


That woman chased him through the streets of Manhattan, met some strangers and told them her story. Went clubbing with those strangers. Went home and then woke up with a broken finger supposedly, without him being there and he's been found guilty? That's crazy. All because he was cheating on her. Those assault pictures do not tell a story. This is wild.


So verbal abuse is holding your partner accountable for being sloppy drunk in public and asking more of them if they're going to date you. Thats crazy


I hate this so much. This is exactly why real victims aren’t believed. Shame on that wicked woman and shame on the prosecutors for bringing this case when there are true victims out there who deserve justice and don’t get it.


He was never ALONE with her! The driver was in the Car! The driver said she was hitting him! After chasing him for 5 blocks, She started talking to strangers that she spent all night with, only to lock him out of his bedroom to the point he had to get the maintenance man who was there until the police arrived. HE WAS NEVER ALONE WITH


Crazy society we’re living in. He was running away from her and she almost got hit by a car chasing him, yet SHE’S the one in danger.


How does a person run away from someone and call the police only to end up arrested with a guilty verdict? I think this is a real shame. However, I cannot say that I’m surprised.


Did we see the tapes he literally ran away from her. And she kept partying afterwards


This is a horrible ruling. The media and DA were against him from the beginning. He ran away from this woman that night. The woman assaulted him. Yet he has a guilty charge. As many have said, be careful about the people who let into your life. The fact that this woman was recording their conversation makes me believe that she was planning something from the start.


This and the amber heard situation just makes it more clear regardless of how right or wrong you are you need to immediately remove yourself from toxic relationships


Those jurors need to be ashamed of themselves. . This is crazy, and he is clearly innocent.


The jury obviously ignored the evidence. He was trying to get away from her crazy a**. I'd appeal this verdict.


This is definitely one of the most greatest miscarriage of justice I’ve ever even seen.
