Quick Recap of Hypothesis Testing

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Assalamualaikum and greetings Dr., I am Miftahul Anam bin Ahmad Yani (D20211100356) from SMS3123 A. First of all, thank you so much for spending your time to record this video for our better understanding. This video was explaining hypothesis testing. Tbh I am kind of forget a bit about this topic, but thank you to your video dr. for quick reviewing. I got flashback. The thing I discovered in this video is about the directional and non-directional hypothesis testing. Now, i know the true meaning of Mu1 - Mu2 >, <, not =0. Again, we have to strengthen the basic. My favourite part in this video is the part of decision making and for the power 1 – probability of making a type II error, i will read the article that you mentioned in the video. All of all, it is a video with wide information. Thank you Dr.


Salam Sejahtera Dr., I'm Rolandli Lipahnus (D20202097051) from SMS 3123 C. This video has obviously helped me understand more about "Power" in statistics. However, the section that interests me the most is regarding type I and type II errors. Honestly, I already forgot about these things, but thank you for your video's rapid evaluation.


Assalammualaikum Dr. I am Nur Fatin Najihah Binti Farhat (D20211100387) from SMS3123 A. First of all regarding the videos, i kinda forget about this topic as it already been a while. Thank you so much for spending time for these recordings. There are hypothesis testing steps that i already understand after watching this video.


Assalamualaikum Dr., I am Nur Adibah Zulaikha binti Nur Azmi (D20202097124) from SMS3123 group B. First of all, thank you, Dr., for the great explanation. From the video, I clearly understand that there are 5 steps to test the null hypothesis: formulate null and alternative hypotheses, calculate the appropriate test statistic, find the p-value and critical value, make a decision to reject or accept the null hypothesis, and draw a conclusion. Thank you Dr.


Assalamualaikum Dr., I'm Tengku Nor Aini binti Tengku Baharom Shah (D20211100360) from Group A. Your explanation clarified the significance of Mu1 - Mu2 is greater or less than 0 but not equal to 0. Decision making in hypothesis testing was particularly interesting, and I plan to explore the article you mentioned on the power 1 – probability of making a type II error. Overall, it was an enriching video with valuable insights. Thank you, Dr.


Assalamualaikum Dr., I am Yusriyah Athirah binti Yusof (D20202097123) from group B SMS3123. This video has helped me to recap about hypothesis testing. Thank you for your explaination. I can understand more about hypothesis testing and its type I and type II error


Assalamualaikum wbt Dr. I am Nur Khayrin binti Nordin (D20202097079) from group C SMS3123. Thank you for the great explaination in this video. I can know understand much more about hypothesis testing and its type I and type II error.


Assalamualikum Dr., I’m Muhamad Aqil Harif (D100377) from SMS3123 group A, thank you Dr. for the clear explanation. From this video, I got an overview of how to conduct hypothesis testing. From the first one, we have to formulate the null and alternative hypothesis, and then we have to choose and calculate the appropriate test statistic. Next, we have to choose either to use the p-value approach or the traditional approach so that we can reject the null hypothesis and make the appropriate conclusion. But, we have to remember that the decision made to reject or do not reject the null hypothesis may lead to type 1 or type 2 errors. Again, thank you Dr., for such a wonderful explanation 🤩


Assalamualaikum Dr Afza. I'm Hazirah D20202097122 from group B. Thank you for your explanation. I can understand clearly about type I error and type II error.


Assalamualaikum Dr, I'm Nur Ain Najwa Binti Mat Isa (D20211100354). Thank you dr for recording this quick review video about hypothesis testing. i really like the explanation about general step to test a null hypothesis plus the different colour of pen that dr used while explaining the step. i like the way dr put additional example video to refer to understand clearly about the hypothesis testing. Thank you dr for your time.


Assalamualaikum dr, Im Nur Faqihah (D20202097111) from group B. This video is so helpful for me. The clearly& details explanation are just so understandable. I can finally see the differences between null hypotesis& alternative testing.


Good Day Dr, I am Syathish A/L Ganesan (D20211100382) from SMS3123(C). Overall this video was about a recap about Hypothesis Testing and I'm immensely satisfied with the explanation given in this video.

However, I need some clarity regarding significance level Dr. Is significance level usually given in the question? Or if it's not given, what are the common significant level values we can use to estimate?

Thank You Dr🙏


Assalamualaikum dr, i am Ahmad Ridhwan Bin Mat Sulong (D20211100349) from Group C ( SMS3123). After watching this video, i able to recap what i learnt before about null and alternative hypothesis, steps to test null hypothesis by choosing appropriate test statistic like p-value or critical value, reject null hypothesis or do not reject null hypothesis, type I error, II error also.. so, by watching this video, its hlep me to understand all of it. Thank you dr😊


Selamat sejahtera Dr. Berikut merupakan maklumat saya:

Nama: Arvind A/L Ravee
No. Matriks: D20202097104
Kumpulan: SMS3123 (B)

Terima kasih atas penjelasan mengenai topik ini Dr. Saya ada satu soalan mengenai Example 3.2: Hypothesis Testing. Bila kita nak tulis decision, boleh ke kita tulis begini?

Since F=1.32 < CV=1.64, we accept the null hypothesis.
