Useless Information about EVERY League of Legends Champion!

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Useless information or 1 fun fact about every champion in League of Legends! Other timestamps in comments, unfortunately YouTube limits me on how many I can put in the description

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0:00 Intro
0:06 Aatrox
0:14 Ahri
0:25 Akali
0:34 Akshan
0:40 Alistar
0:45 Amumu
0:51 Anivia
0:58 Annie
1:03 Omniheroes!
2:07 Aphelios
2:14 Ashe
2:21 Aurleion Sol
2:25 Azir
2:55 Bard
3:11 Blitzcrank
3:19 Brand
3:24 Braum
3:35 Briar
3:55 Caitlyn
4:01 Camille
4:11 Camille
4:18 Cho'Gath
4:28 Corki
4:37 Darius
4:45 Diana
4:51 Dr. Mundo
5:00 Draven
5:04 Ekko
5:20 Elise
5:24 Evelynn
5:29 Ezreal
5:33 Fiddlesticks
5:51 Fiora
6:03 Fizz
6:17 Galio
6:20 Gangplank
6:40 Garen
6:44 Gnar
6:52 Gragas
7:00 Graves
7:16 Gwen
7:18 Hecarim
7:28 Heimerdinger
7:31 Hwei
7:41 Illaoi
7:46 Irelia
7:55 Ivern
8:04 Janna
8:09 Jarvan IV
8:14 Jax
8:27 Jayce
8:33 Jhin
8:54 Jinx
9:17 Kai'Sa
9:21 Kalista
9:32 Karma
9:36 Karthus
10:30 Kassadin
10:38 Katarina
10:45 Kayle
11:20 Kayn
11:27 Cho'Gath
11:33 Kha'Zix
11:36 Kindred
11:41 Kled
11:52 Kog'Maw
11:56 K'Sante
12:04 LeBlanc
12:07 Lee Sin
12:10 Leona
12:21 Lillia
12:42 Lissandra
12:51 Lucian
12:58 Lulu
13:01 Lux
13:09 Malphite
13:13 Malzahar
13:19 Maoki
13:23 Master Yi
13:38 Milio
13:43 Miss Fortune
13:48 Mordekaiser
13:55 Morgana
14:07 Naafiri
14:13 Nami
14:26 Nasus
14:32 Nautlius
14:44 Neeko
14:46 Nidalee
14:56 Nilah
14:59 Nocturne
15:09 Nunu & Willump
15:16 Olaf
15:21 Orianna
15:27 Ornn
15:30 Pantheon
15:35 Poppy
15:41 (Other time stamps in comments, YT limits me)

#league #outsidejoke #leagueoflegends
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Also here are all the champion timestamps!🙏Thanks for watching!
0:00 Intro
0:06 Aatrox
0:14 Ahri
0:25 Akali
0:34 Akshan
0:40 Alistar
0:45 Amumu
0:51 Anivia
0:58 Annie
1:03 Omniheroes!
2:07 Aphelios
2:14 Ashe
2:21 Aurleion Sol
2:25 Azir
2:55 Bard
3:11 Blitzcrank
3:19 Brand
3:24 Braum
3:35 Briar
3:55 Caitlyn
4:01 Camille
4:11 Camille
4:18 Cho'Gath
4:28 Corki
4:37 Darius
4:45 Diana
4:51 Dr. Mundo
5:00 Draven
5:04 Ekko
5:20 Elise
5:24 Evelynn
5:29 Ezreal
5:33 Fiddlesticks
5:51 Fiora
6:03 Fizz
6:17 Galio
6:20 Gangplank
6:40 Garen
6:44 Gnar
6:52 Gragas
7:00 Graves
7:16 Gwen
7:18 Hecarim
7:28 Heimerdinger
7:31 Hwei
7:41 Illaoi
7:46 Irelia
7:55 Ivern
8:04 Janna
8:09 Jarvan IV
8:14 Jax
8:27 Jayce
8:33 Jhin
8:54 Jinx
9:17 Kai'Sa
9:21 Kalista
9:32 Karma
9:36 Karthus
10:30 Kassadin
10:38 Katarina
10:45 Kayle
11:20 Kayn
11:27 Cho'Gath
11:33 Kha'Zix
11:36 Kindred
11:41 Kled
11:52 Kog'Maw
11:56 K'Sante
12:04 LeBlanc
12:07 Lee Sin
12:10 Leona
12:21 Lillia
12:42 Lissandra
12:51 Lucian
12:58 Lulu
13:01 Lux
13:09 Malphite
13:13 Malzahar
13:19 Maoki
13:23 Master Yi
13:38 Milio
13:43 Miss Fortune
13:48 Mordekaiser
13:55 Morgana
14:07 Naafiri
14:13 Nami
14:26 Nasus
14:32 Nautlius
14:44 Neeko
14:46 Nidalee
14:56 Nilah
14:59 Nocturne
15:09 Nunu & Willump
15:16 Olaf
15:21 Orianna
15:27 Ornn
15:30 Pantheon
15:35 Poppy
15:41 Pyke
15:45 Qiyana
15:51 Quinn
16:01 Rakan
16:11 Rammus
16:15 Rek'Sai
16:25 Rell
16:32 Renata
16:43 Rekenekton
16:49 Rengar
17:10 Riven
17:29 Rumble
17:34 Ryze
17:50 Samira
18:06 Sejuani
18:16 Senna
18:31 Seraphine
18:35 Sett
18:38 Shaco
19:36 Shen
19:39 Shyvana
19:38 Singed
19:53 Sion
20:03 Sivir
20:08 Skarner
20:21 Smolder
20:39 Sona
20:44 Soraka
20:51 Swain
21:01 Sylas
21:14 Syndra
21:26 Tahm Kench
21:31 Taliyah
21:36 Talon
21:39 Taric
21:55 Teemo
22:19 Thresh
22:34 Tristana
22:39 Trundle
22:44 Tryndamere
22:51 Twisted Fate
22:57 Twitch
23:12 Udyr
23:23 Urgot
23:27 Varus
23:32 vayne
23:39 Veigar
23:47 Vel'Koz
23:52 Vex
23:56 Vi
24:16 Viego
24:26 Viktor
24:32 Vladimir
24:41 Volibear
24:49 Warwick
24:53 Wukong
24:49 Xayah
25:07 Xerath
25:15 Xin Zhao
25:23 Yasuo
25:41 Yone
25:57 Yorick
26:13 Yuumi
26:21 Zac
26:30 Zed
26:44 Zeri
26:51 Ziggs
26:56 Zilean
27:00 Zoe
27:12 Zyra


I still remember the days when Nautilus used to be a jungler. Then he silently moved to the Support position and people just accepted it.


Damn, a Yasuo player almost saved league from Shaco's existence.


Yorick fact referred to the OLD Yorick. Where his ult would revive you post death. New Yorick is fine


qiyana has a voice line saying: of course i mastered fire, i just dont like to show off refrencing this


5:00 briar also has 2 distinct crit animations; one in base form where she does a floaty kick and one in berserk form where she does a cross shaped slash with her daggers


That lilia concept sounds sounds awesome! I'm not sure if there a version of it that would be healthy in game, but I hope riot will try to make it work.


Sett's Japanese Voice Actor is Takehito Koyasu, known best by Dio from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Zeke from Attack on Titan. Sett actually has many similarities with Dio, such as preferring brute force and "a little bit of magic" to best their opponents (Vastayan magic in Sett's case, vampiric powers and Stand power in Dio's case), having father-related issues, seeking power and fortune and having it rough at their youth. In the game, there's a direct reference to Dio with the emote "It Was Me!" obviously to the iconic frame and meme of Dio pointing his thumb at himself.

Another JoJo reference in League of Legends is Viego's new skin, Soul Fighter Viego. His dance animation is an exact copy of the dance in JoJo's 5th Part (they call seasons "part") called "Torture Dance"


24:49 Funny he's balanced around silver since he's a werewolf, and their whole fight against the moon thing.


Don't worry guys, I'm sure Cho'Gath being "The Black Terror" wouldn't cause ANY ISSUES!


Evelynn's most defining ability: I'm always invisible!
Has highest winrate against blind champ. Seems legit.


20:52 The Swain ability you're talking about is actually called "Nevermove", which is still the same reference that you had mentioned, but it's also a reference to... it rooting you.


15:16 these are from when the game had the Journal of Justice lore. The Champs were celebrities and some had merchandise. Teemo and Sivir had clothing brands, Annie had a child products line (like toothpastes and such), Taric had a sunscreen line (seen in Surf Singed skin and splash art) and Gragas has Graggy Ice, seen on Brolaf's axes


20:52 When Brasil's server and translations were released, this Swain's skill was actually translated as Nevermore unintentionally, and got fixed in a few days.


26:00 I specifically remember this being the case for yoricks old ultimate, not modern yorick.


26:50 Actually, Nautilus was a little yordle who dragged himself around with a big anchor and Ziggs was a massive brute wearing armour that threw bombs. Someone suggested they swap weapons and it suddenly became a lot better for both champions.


I would love to see a video talking purely about 1 old bug or old concept ability per champ. Those random facts were my favorite


hear me out but tryndamere's fight was real, but the enemy soldiers were metaphorically replaced with kindred because he was fighting off what would be the death of him


Neeko's favorite food comes from Pão de Queijo, because her voice actor is brazillian, and we do love our cuzine, if nothing else.


4:02 Never in my life have I needed something and not known I needed it until now
