Accident Reconstruction Laser Scanning
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This virtual flyover of a scene scanned in 2010 was completed to aid an accident reconstruction team. The scanning was completed using a Z+F Imager 5006(i) phase shift laser scanner and photographed using a calibrated Z+F Motor Cam (M-cam). Each separate laser scan scene of the cloud were manually color mapped in Z+F LaserControl. After color mapping I was unable to import the native Extensible Markup Language (XML) file from LaserControl into Cyclone due to unresolvable (and dreaded) hanging in Cyclone. Each laser scan scene was then exported to a 3D Points File (PTS). file and imported into Cyclone for processing and registration.
The Jeep, however, was not still next to the tree where it came to rest the night of the crash, it was miles away in an impound lot. The road was registered to our balanced traverse and then processed for cloud to cloud constraints and finally weighted in favor of the traverse and processed with multiple samplings and arriving at a final cloud that was within tolerance of our traverse SD. I placed 4 vertices in the Jeep point cloud at the end of each axle on its centerline. In the road point cloud I placed a vertex where the end of each axle had been when the jeep came to rest the night of the crash using the measurements taken by first responders. Using those vertices in each point cloud the jeep was able to be registered into the road cloud.
The Jeep, however, was not still next to the tree where it came to rest the night of the crash, it was miles away in an impound lot. The road was registered to our balanced traverse and then processed for cloud to cloud constraints and finally weighted in favor of the traverse and processed with multiple samplings and arriving at a final cloud that was within tolerance of our traverse SD. I placed 4 vertices in the Jeep point cloud at the end of each axle on its centerline. In the road point cloud I placed a vertex where the end of each axle had been when the jeep came to rest the night of the crash using the measurements taken by first responders. Using those vertices in each point cloud the jeep was able to be registered into the road cloud.