Right to Equality: Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution | Indian Polity for UPSC 2022-2023
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Prepare for the UPSC Exam with BYJU'S knowledge series. A key topic of Right to Equality - Rights in the Indian Constitution is discussed in the session. This is an important topic in Indian Polity for UPSC Prelims & Mains 2022 - 2023.
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The following topics are discussed in the session:
1. Article 14- 00:00
2. Fundamental Rights for Citizens and Foreigners in India- 01:38
3. Equality before law and equal protection of law- 02:14
4. A.V.Dicey’s concept of the Rule of Law- 04:50
5. Rex Lex to Lex, Rex- 13:45
6. Equal Protection by the Law- 18:00
7. Affirmative action- 20:25
Some key aspects are also explained in the session, such as:
- Article 14 of the Indian constitution
- Right to Equality in the Indian constitution
- Right to Equality article 14 to 18, and
- Fundamental Rights - Right to equality
According to Article 14, the State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.
Equality before the law or equal protection of the laws does not mean the same treatment for everyone. As no two human beings are equal in all respects, the same treatment to them in every respect would result in unequal treatment.
The underlying principle of Right to Equality is not the uniformity of treatment to all in all respects but rather to give them the same treatment in those respects in which they are similar and different treatment in those respects in which they are different.
Some other important concepts and questions related to the Right to Equality are also discussed, and previous year's questions are also solved towards the end.
Gear up your preparation with the best study material from BYJU'S. You can access all key topics for the IAS exam 2022-2023 from the Knowledge series - BYJU'S.
Prepare very well, and all the best for your upcoming IAS Exam.
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