61A Fall 2020 Lecture 19 Q&A

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00:03 Is inheritance recommended these days?
01:34 How do you evaluate b.z.z.z in the video called "Review: Attributes Lookup, Methods, & Inheritance"?
04:50 How do you evaluate a.z == b.z in the same video?
08:21 How do you refer to attributes of an object that is part of another object when not using inheritance?
13:32 What is super() and how does it work?
17:15 If a class doesn't have __init__, can you pass in arguments when you construct an instance?
18:05 Do you have to call the constructor function __init__?
19:36 Why Does AsSeenOnTVAccount use the SavingsAccount deposit instead of the Account deposit?
22:15 Is the "Review: Attributes Lookup, Methods, & Inheritance" slide representative of what students are supposed to know for the midterm?
23:11 When writing a program, how do you keep track of what is an instance attribute and what's a class attribute?
24:31 For Lab 4 Q 5, Maximum Subsequences, how do you understand the solution by tracing through it?
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