1,000 Years of St. Louis Area History in 10 minutes! (1904 Worlds Fair Footage!)

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From Pyramids to a sprawling metropolis, the St. Louis area has been occupied for over 1,100 years by various cultures. Join us to learn about how the city was founded and what was here before. At the end of the video, we've included retouched footage of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition / 1904 World's Fair. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss part 2, enjoy!

1,000 Years of St. Louis Area History in 10 minutes! (1904 Worlds Fair Footage!)

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Intro 0:00
900 0:17
1500 0:35
1673 1:24
1682 1:32
1700s 1:43
1730s 1:52
1764 2:03
1765 3:42
1800 4:07
1803 4:15
1804 4:30
1808 5:03
1817 5:09
1821 5:12
1822 5:15
1840-1860 5:23
1876-77 5:41
Late 1800s 5:54
1904 Worlds Fair Footage 6:11

This House Media LLC
© 2021

Creative Commons Images from: Library of Congress and Wikipedia

Music from Epidemic Sound
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At 4:33 we say that Lewis and Clark departed along the Mississippi River. We meant to say MISSOURI River!


My family moved to St. Louis from Germany in 1858, I was given my great grandfathers pin from the 1904 worlds fair that has been passed down. Cool to see the footage where he was


I lived in Brentwood St. Louis this summer for work, really cool city. I was born and raised in the Denver area, we simply don't get old historic and beautiful architecture like that. Super cool


Really nice job in less than ten minutes, Ken. It is a shame that Missouri and St. Louis History are not taught in our schools. History has become the 'missing link' in our education systems thanks to those who wish to extinguish our memories that could empower us. I remember going on Architectural tours in Downtown St. Louis where some of the old commercial buildings have quite a History. You have much material for your future tours for this is indeed a very historic city. I always look forward to each of them. Thank you for your thoroughness and knowledge of St. Louis History and architecture.


Nice job, Ken. Glad to see your emphasis on Cahokia and the Caddoan culture. I recently found a commemorative coin from the 1904 St.Louis Fair in my grandmother's things. She never mentioned attending the fair (she was 10 years old and living in Wisconsin), but I believe her oldest brother must have, and brought back the souvenir. I discovered you through Kaleb Higgins' channel, and have learned so much about St. Louis history from you both. I love those antique 'bird's eye view' maps, and the one you used even shows that the buildings right on the river were built on stilts! I understand the need for waterfront redevelopment (we have it here in San Diego as well), but I'm always happy to see old buildings preserved and incorporated into new projects. Sadly, that is a rare sight in many places.


STL history in one sentence: We used to make everything here until we built an arch and everyone moved away.


As a part of the 1904 World's Fair was the 'World's largest Ferris Wheel', the enormous axle of which was so heavy that it lay where it fell in Forest Park for many decades because moving it was just such a bitch. I don't know if anyone ever DID move it.


Very informative and easy to understand, love the format of following the timeline. Well done and subscribed!


Very well done Ken. It was nice to "re-learn" the history of an area that has only been given "in passing" in American history (Lewis & Clark). I also never knew about the Olympics being held in the city (then again I don't know - -remember - what cities they've been held in recently 😉)! Can't wait to learn more in part 2. Thank you.


Always appreciate your videos, whether they be about the history of the area, cool landmarks around town, or house tours. Thank you!


Magnificent! The best thing about living in Southern Illinois was the ability to visit St. Louis; I miss it!!! Grateful for your efforts!!!🌹


My family is originally from Saint Genevieve, had been there since the French and then later German immigration. It’s amazing to hear it mentioned in this video not many people now about Saint Gen. and her history


Very good video. There’s some fairly nice preservation spots in Ste. Genevieve that can be visited. Long histories a long the Mississippi.


You speak history!😁 Very cool! More please. 🤗


I love this video!! I was born in Missouri and have always been mesmerized by the Arch. There's definitely some behind the scenes ley lines being tapped into...


Great job. Very concise.
I’m now waiting for the “Full” Documentary [series].


Ken is the go to man for housing and history in STL


My ancestor was Charles Dehault Delassus. His diary is quite the read. My mother has a lot of information about him. He was the governor of the territory when Louis and Clarke set out on their expedition and met with them before they left.


The recreated encampment of Lewis and Clark, opposite the mouth of the Missouri River in Illinois, is worth the visit.


STL “got no money? Neat. We don’t charge for museums, zoos, animal sanctuaries, or most small music shows. Also, we have live music 7 days a week, again, largely with no door charge.”
