EU News: Germany and Italy Risks Fines For Missing 2030 Targets | Resourcify

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🇪🇺 Only six out of 27 EU member states have submitted adequate national climate plans - Does this surprise you?

According to a study, 12 EU countries are expected to miss their emissions targets under the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR), and another seven are at risk.

The ESR mandates a 40% reduction in emissions by 2030, but current plans only aim for a 35.5% reduction.

🇩🇪 Germany and Italy are the worst performers, with Germany set to miss its target by 10% and Italy by 7.7%. France is only projected to meet its targets by a very close margin, and plans submitted by the Netherlands also put the country on track to only just meet its goals.

🎯 Member states have to meet climate targets for five key sectors: road transport, buildings, small industry, waste and agriculture. Each goal is adjusted based on a country’s GDP with richer nations having stricter requirements.

Countries that fail to meet targets can buy carbon credits, potentially costing billions, with Germany and Italy facing particularly high costs. With many countries likely to miss their goals, there could also be a shortage of available credits, driving up prices.

Countries were expected to submit new National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) on 30 June but just four met the deadline - Netherlands, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The ESR is a key measure in these plans but just a few countries anticipated that they would meet their targets in their draft texts.

Only six - Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Luxembourg, Slovenia and Spain - got a clear pass mark from the Commission which assesses the plans.

Is there still time for these countries to rectify their government policies and meet their 2030 targets?

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