“The Predatory Side of Pediatrics.” - With Dr. Jill Simons | The Spillover

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Are pediatricians in America currently “following the science” when it comes to gender dysphoria? Overwhelmingly - no. Pediatrician Jill Simons explains how deep the corruption goes within an industry that should be putting the health of kids first.



Listen at 9 PM PST/ MIDNIGHT EASTERN every Thursday by subscribing to ‘The Spillover’ on Apple Podcasts and Spotify ☕️✨


00:00 Intro
01:54 Fighting Against Corruption Within Pediatrics
10:07 The Danger of “Gender Affirming Ideology”
22:30 Gender Reassignment Surgery On Children
31:30 Parents Are Responsible for Protecting Their Children
38:13 What Good Pediatricians and Parents Need to Watch Out For
44:02 Resources to Help Fight for Children
45:30 Outro
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My dad has been a pediatrician for 30+ years, he has seen all how medicine has changed over the years and how disheartening it is. The good thing is that he has been able to support alot of parents with conservative approaches to treatment


I would love an episode like this but a pediatrician talking about vaccines vs non vaccines for children. I have been seeing that some parents don’t even take their kids to the doctors unless they’re ill


Alex can you have this speaker back on and ask her about the 75 vaccines that are pushed on children through pediatricians?


Are you kidding me?? Recently I feel like you’re askinggg me what I want to see on the next sit down. Each one of these new interviews have been fantastic.


We took our daughter to her 2 month wellness check. When we told the nurse we wouldn't be doing the shots at that point. Our family doctor came in and was extremely condescending and flat out rude saying that she can't believe how many people think they know more than epidemiologists bla bla bla. I told her I was willing to change my mind if she could provide meaningful research into the efficacy and benefits vs. risks of the shots. She gave me some BS websites that just says "they are good" and all the basic garbage. Our daughter is about to turn 2, hasn't been back to a doctor since. We've treated her 2 runny noses and 1 teething fever at home with liquids, warm baths, homeopathy (and breastfeeding when she was still nursing). Other than her 1 teething fever that lasted 1 day at about 4 months old, she has never been sick enough for it to affect her disposition. All of our friends with babies around the same age that we know have had their shots are *constantly* sick and/or pretty behind in milestones.


I love love how Alex is always like: "who's doing it? Let's name names. That's exactly what more people should be doing. Call em out! I'm sad you didn't ask about childhood vaccines though 😢 that's the number one topic I wanted to hear about from someone like that


Honestly, my pediatrician ignored all of my concerns and I went out and got my child diagnosed with a 1 in 10, 000 condition and saved her development myself.


Would love for you to talk with her about the 60+ vaccinations that our children get


Not vaccine related but "head helmets"... at 2 months our daughter was told she needed to see a "specialist" about possibly getting a helmet because her head was misshapen.... and it was. She spent 24 hours head down in the top of the birth canal, so it was a little pointed lol I was a new mom and was devastated because I thought I had ruined my child! I cried for days... until we saw the "specialist". The best way to describe this place was a mall kiosk posing as a medial facility. The receptionist was also the person "trained" to read the images of our daughters head... sketchy at best. Before I was even out the door, I had a "plan" emailed to me that broke down the cost of the helmets and timelines... she need multiple to "support stages of growth"... and if your insurance wouldn't pay, they had a payment plan. I googled at home treatments and found an amazing e-book from a pediatric OT... did everything in that book and her head balanced out. The most infuriating part of this whole thing was, at NO POINT, did the medical providers say there was nothing wrong with her brain... this was all cosmetic! That experience changed my perspective on the medial field and how I deliver information to my students' parents... I try my best to address all their fears first and then offer possible solutions.


Dr. Elisa Song was a pediatrician that moved to functional medicine. She has an amazing new book Healthy Kids, Happy Kids.
You need her on the podcast! She is amazing 🎉


I needed my newborns bilirubin checked. Before we could be seen, we had to fill out pages and pages of questions regarding our child’s mental health. Depression, anxiety ADD+ADHD autism spectrum disorders. Wtf? We quit the pediatricians then. We now have an old school family doctor & only bring our children when they’re sick, injured or have a concern.


I wish I had this information when I gave birth to my children years ago. But it’s so helpful going forward, I speak up in their appointment and I ask questions compared to before where I just went along with whatever the doctor said… no questions asked. I feel so much more empowered knowing that there are people who think like me. Thank you Alex for talking about things like this! 👏🏼


There's a reason I asked my PCP, who is a family doctor, if he would take my child while I was still pregnant. The only pediatrician my children have ever seen has been in the nursery of the hospital right after giving birth. They have all gone to the PCP that I go to (who very sadly retired recently). I heard enough horror stories from friends about what their pediatricians were telling them. And you just knew that it didn't sound right and that couldn't be the case but if they didn't follow the pediatrician's orders directly the pediatricians were threatening to have the children taken by the state. I got quite a few of my friends to transfer their kids from a pediatrician to a family doctor. Family doctors treat everybody from 1 hour old infants to the oldest geriatric in the area.


If a doctor doesn’t know (or want to acknowledge) that males and females are different they don’t deserve to practice.

There is a reason why when you read any basic biology or human anatomy and physiology book there is a section for males and a section for female. The different isn’t just the presence of a penis or vagina, it’s the bone density, size of muscle, size of lungs, average height and weight ranges, literally everything in your body is impacted.


The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the ACP an anti-LGBT hate group. That’s a great endorsement for a pediatrics organization! I don’t have kids yet but when I do, I will definitely be looking for a pediatrician with the ACP!


my daughter was born in may 2020 and our whole family got covid in january 2022. she was sick with a fever and slept it off for not even 24 hours! the only vaccines she had was when she was born at the hospital!


Yes!!! My pediatrician is corrupt! I have been trying to find a new one ever since I found out how many vaccines they wanted to give my 2 month old baby. It's so hard to find a pediatrician 😭. I know they are getting paid by big pharma disgusting


Refusing to admit that something is causing the rise in cases of autism and saying it’s just and increased awareness


My child’s pediatrician is trying to convince me that formula is better than my breast milk even though AAP says breast milk always supercede formula


Ask yourself who benefits from keeping children in the mental state of a child (side effect of blocking puberty)
