Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Great Sword is the Best It's Ever Been!

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The Great Sword feels incredible in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, so let's talk about why this weapon is the best it's ever been, and some of the new highlights.

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I just picked up Greatsword a day or two ago, and it's both super fun and one of the most frustrating weapons I've used thus far.


I remembered there was a time when Capcom introduced Great Sword as an easy to pickup (beginner friendly) weapon. Things have changed a lot it seems.


I love surge slash and most of the switch skills that let you have an alternative playstyle for each weapon. Things like kinsect slash, spirit reckoning, aerial db etc. I hope this feature gets more refinements in future entries in the series


I personally feel power sheathe is already a good dodge combined with a buff and the new alternative is lacking unless you are using surge slash


I find that new back slide move is great for setting up for true charge wakeup hits.
Stand facing and touching the monster > back slide > charge hit > charge shoulder hit > true charge slash.


Surge was something I started using once I got to the afflicted quests. Felt like the only way for me to be as aggressive as I wanted. And it’s REALLY fun to play. Tackle spams and charge holds can get stale.


I'm unfortunately a GS boomer that's used to the old playstyle of draw slashes and no matter how much i try i just don't "get" how to play modern GS. i just feel so useless in between openings and when i do get an opening, i either miss a TCS opening or just fck up my tackle/strongarm timing.


Picked up Great Sword after unlocking the Royal Order weapons. Used to hate it due to the slowness but now it's got such great shmovement, it's a really fun weapon for me.

I love the Rage Slash, admittedly. I like the animation of the charging stance of the move better, and being able to eat a hit and return damage in any direction is pretty rad too.


You and Rurikhal are conspiring to keep me from learning the bow by putting out videos on how great charge blade and great sword (my go too weapon chooses in World) are in Sunbreak.


Will my hammer timing translate??🤔 I am curious too, I feel hammer eventually leads to great sword (your mileage may vary)


Throughout my 14 years of playing, I've always been sleeping on this weapon. I ended up maining Greatsword for the whole Sunbreak story. That Strongarm stance required a bit of practice, but pulling it off and seeing the numbers is just a dopamine rush


I absolutely adore the additions of both Surge and Strongarm. The former allows for the option to play a more aggressive and safer style of GS, perfect for monsters like Shogun Ceanataur that are able to constantly escape your usual tricks. Personally I like to use mostly the first and second hits of the combo while rolling before the ender in order to make sure I can be mobile while still dealing damage consistently. Combined with the new skill swap mechanic, it also lets you go back and forth between a highly mobile and safe GS style and a more entrenched and powerful traditional style.
Strongarm is a real-and-proper counter move, which I'm always a sucker for, and because of how it works, it provides a shortcut to the big damage move while still retaining the satisfaction of having landed it instead of making it feel empty for being too easy to lead into. Like sure, the counter frames are pretty generous and it lets you skip straight to one of, if not the most damaging moves in the game, but between the risk vs reward element for timing the counter wrong(through simply being too early/late OR through blocking the first hit of a multihit attack) or whiffing the follow-up while being left with no wirebugs to immediately flee the situation, as well as the mechanic of needing to already be charging in order to get that TCS shortcut, I'd say that it still maintains enough depth that it's simply an extra tool to use rather than a braindead way to just constantly fart out massive damage.
I wish I could sing similar praises for the new backstep wirebug move. Props to you if you managed to find regular use for it, but me, I feel exactly the opposite of what you said - it feels far, FAR too niche in what it can do for my tastes. I tried it for several hunts, giving it the benefit of the doubt that I was initially going to not be using it correctly because I'd be so used to power sheathe, but no matter how many I went through it just kept coming back to the same conclusion. I didn't find any situation where I thought, "oh, backstep could've been useful there, " or "backstep can let me stay safe while still keeping my charge here." Instead, hunt after hunt, I was only able to identify how many hits I would have avoided if I only had Power Sheathe in the slot instead.
Overall, the new moves are great. I do wish Backstep felt more useful, but hey, 2 out of 3 is pretty good, especially when the 2 that GS got are as amazing as they are.


When sunbreak came out I decided I would leave the bowgun behind and pick up melee weapons for the first time ever since playing MH. Picked up Great Sword and Charge Blade and I gotta say, it was a totally different experience. Never looked back since.


Ok, NOW I might put down my Hammer for a Great Sword. Surge Slash Combo and Strong Arm Stance. These are what changed my mind on this weapon.


Damn, all the new movesets look amazing! A bit sad that its lock behind expansion. Gonna have to wait for a while before I get to try it myself


okay but what's that armor set called? cause that hood/cloak combo is awesome!


I think the reason combat is sunbreak feels so great is the we still have the weight running and the need for positioning and commitment to attacks, but the tediousness of combat has been vastly downgraded. It removing the downsides with out having to remove the upsides.


I can't get the Strongstance timing right, any tips on that? Even with regular roars I tend to activate it a bit too late, or sometimes even to early... People make it sound like its forgiving, but I have serious trouble with it. It is frustrating me so much, that I even went back to using Rage Slash. Which still does an insane amount of damage, while being "safe" to damage.


The slow movement is exactly the reason I didn't use the GS. I haven't picked it up yet but I am wanting to make builds for every weapon. Insect glaive and sword'n'shield are what I have going right now.


I've just picked up GS again after messing around with it in world and just remembered my favorite move....the Kick! Just the fact that I can kick monsters in the face and KO them makes GS fckn awesome.
