MY FIRST TIME in South Korea 🇰🇷 SEOUL is the FUTURE

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Join me as I explore Seoul, South Korea for the FIRST TIME!

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사실 대부분의 한국인들은 명동 길거리 음식을 사먹지 않습니다..길거리 음식을 파는 알바생들은 대부분 중국인들이고 팔고있는 음식 또한 생소합니다..! 그리고 외국인들을 상대로 팔고있어서 가격이 매우 비쌉니다..명동 길거리 음식을 추천하지 않아요..!😂


Everything about this video is why I want to return to SK.... I used to work there for 5 yrs. It always feels like Korea is years into the future when you're coming from the U.S. Going between both countries like jumping through a time warp.


As an African American, I absolutely love South Korea. I don't understand how some of my people were a victim to racism? I personally haven't experienced any scrutiny or racism in Korea. It's an absolutely beautiful country and I really want to live there one day. An absolute dream city. I stayed a few nights in Gangnam-Daero which was my most memorable experience. The night life, the people, the aesthetics the FOOOD (oh my god the food) and the atmosphere was something out of a movie, very futuristic and gives cyberpunk vibes. They live in a completely different universe compared to here in America. I love Sotuth Korea so much!!!


I was thrilled to see the Cathedral!
My father was in Korea during the war. I recently found his slide pictures from his time there and have been researching to identify the places he had been.
So far I have found three places that I know where my father had been. This Cathedral is one them, and Namsan Hill.
My father never talked about his time in Korea and sadly has passed.
My plan now is continue to research and find the locations of my father's pictures. Then in Sept 2025, with my son, we will walk in my father's foot prints to re-create the same pictures that he took over 70 years ago.


this video is the perfect summary of why I miss South Korea so much… ever since I traveled around Korea for 2 weeks I miss the whole country, their food, culture and eventually Korean ppl almost everyday…😢


11:47 that passerby stepping in out of nowhere to help you without you even asking for help is what I love about traveling to Korea. Their general attitude towards foreigners is more welcoming and open than other East Asian countries in my experience. Also, Korea, like Japan, does not have trash bins out in public. Best practice is to carry a small plastic bag with you to collect your day's trash and sort it properly when you get home.


In Asia, Japan and Korea are the best places to live and travel. Wherever you go, you can easily find delicious, high-quality food and a place to sleep, and transportation is convenient. It is also relatively safe.


The girl at the metro station is so kind! It is so lucky to meet her or you would probably never get your deposit back.


한국을 아끼고 찾아 주셔서 감사합니다

좋은 추억만 기억해주셔서 당신이 자랑 스럽습니다
늘 건강하셔서 번창하세요
하나님의 도우심이 함께 하시길 바래요 홧팅~!!


I’m in Korea right now. Got here yesterday. Watching this video after I got here is a whole new level than watching it before. lol


Seoul's my favourite city on the planet, once you've been you don't see the rest of the world the same way. Extremely modern, clean & safe, the best food and also has the best people. Koreans go out their way to make sure you feel welcome and have a good time. Always an amazing atmosphere wherever you are in the city. Whether it's being around the bouncing nightlife districts or chilling in the park at night having some chicken & beer. Can't wait to go back, hoping to live there full time next year


한국에 오신걸 환영합니다 ❤ 예전에 길을 잃은 외국인이 나에게 도움을 청했는데, 저는 영어를 못하는 한국인이라 설명하기 어려워 직접 데려다 드린 적이 있네요!


It’s so clean everywhere! Very impressive 😊


Living in US, I had visited Korea & Japan in December of last year after nearly 16 years of hiatus, and it felt so new to me, and it's so cool that your experience reminds me of that feeling again but with a fresh set of eyes. It's always interesting to see how a non-native Korean sees Korea. ;-) Thanks for the video.


This was so fun to watch! I love Seoul so much. We are on Jeju island but are going to visit Seoul next month. This made me extra excited. Korean Air is also my favourite airline. Seoul is just such a great city!


11:49 she's so cool. ❤
Helped him without a single word. 😂


I have traveled to 6 countries, I only know Japan and South Korea in East Asia, but without fear of being wrong, Seoul is my favorite city in the world so far 🫰🏼🇰🇷 #SeoulMySoul
I can't wait to go back and walk more, I only went for 6 days and I feel like I missed many places to see.


Man I lived in SK back in 2003-2005. Some of the best time in my life. This video is definitely making miss every thing. So much great street food.


As a Korean, I enjoyed watch this video and it was good to see how you feel about our country for the first look. And 35:35 it is not cheese, it is rice cake.


서울은 몇달 살아보기 괜찮은 도시입니다. 편리하고 깨끗하고 밤에도 대체로 안전한 도시에서 여행하며 즐겨보세요. 한강 근처에 숙박하며, 아침마다 조깅을 즐기는 것을 추천합니다. 가을은 특히 좋은 계절입니다.
