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User review of the Parkside wood lathe PDM600 B2, is this the best wood lathe for a beginner wood turner? How do you decide if you actually want to take up wood turning as a hobby or not? I found the first few hours of using the chisels to be a scary and daunting experience. (and I have been using power tools all my working life). You can try to join a club and hope someone will let you spend hours practicing on their lathe, or you can buy a cheap lathe to learn and practice on. Is the Parkside lathe from Lidl a good choice?
I practiced on my lathe for several weeks and managed to make a few really nice things before reviewing the machine. I bought a set of carbide wood turning chisels from Amazon and this greatly aided my progress (Link below).
Wood turning is a fascinating and absorbing hobby and I think it is well worth a bit of effort to learn if this is the hobby for you.
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This is the best review for any tool I have ever seen, and I want to thank you for it.


I've been watching most of your parkside reviews, and they are so good! The calm and reflected way you present the item in review, also that you take a good amount of time to thoroughly test it makes the presentation very informative. Keep them coming!


Thank you for taking the time to show your introduction to wood turning using the Parkside lathe, I found it very interesting and will soon start into the hobby.👍


I purchased one lathe like this about one month ago, but didn't use it as it is still quite cool weather in my country and I do not have yet any heating means in my workshop. Your review was very helpful for me and I appreciate the fact that you've been very honest. It's hard to find tutorials for beginners as almost all people posting such, are having in view more or less experienced workers. So, thank you again for the review.


Just bought mine yesterday. I a pole lathe that needs a lot of leg muscle and really fancied an electric lathe so when hubby spotted this one he got it for me. Can't wait to have a go. Your review was very helpful and honest. Thank you x


Thank you for your honest review, I saw one at my local store this evening, i hummed and harred at getting it but seeing how it struggled for power I don't think it's for me . Many thanks for your time in making this video.


I like your videos, you speak clearly and explain great and there is no stupid music that just disturbs you in the background. Thank you.


For someone who said he had never done any wood turning before this is a really good video. I really rate him for his work in learning as much as he could before completing the video. Saying that. The machine quality and noise I think would tend to put beginners off. It seemed to be well above 80 decibels. I bought a cast iron belt driven one as my first lathe and I enjoy using it because it is very quiet and rock solid. He is also right about getting a head stock and tail stock chuck for this machine. Also as was said a pen making mandrel also needs a Morse taper which this doesn't have further limiting its use. My advice would be to get the best quality lathe you can afford either new or used and then build up the tools as you can afford them.


Thank you dear sir I really bought it just for fin works not as a craft, it is good for extra tool in my personal workshop, I learned alot from you thanks again🙂🙏🙂


A fair and thorough appraisal as usual Steve, thanks. As for finding the chisel use to be a 'scary and daunting experience', well, none of us is as young as we were yesterday. At least we can call ourselves wise now.


Thank you for the info. I just bought one from Lidl webshop in the sale for 30 EUR. If I don't like it the motor alone would come in handy for some project...


A very complete and useful review. Thank you.


Good even-handed assessment, thank you.


Hi Steve, I just bought one of these last week. That’s a nice little review, and coincides with my first opinion, though I haven’t had time to try it out yet. You can buy an 18mm/1 1/8” adapter which will fit a bowl clamp or chuck. My thought was to produce a few items I currently have to beg my bowl turning mate to make for me, rather than become a wood turner myself. We’ll see about that...


Very useful. Thank you for taking the time to make this. A very concise and interesting video. Going to get one tomorrow to see if it is something I wish to pursue.


Thank you so much! I bought one, and it was just as you described. The whole machine feels a bit wobbly, but I was pleased to see what you created with it! I definitely need to buy new chisels. I would also like to ask if it only carved on one side for some reason, even when the wood was spinning. Could you please advise me on this? After turning it off, I only had cravings on one side. Could this be because I used hardwood or the chisels? Thank you!! Iva


I really enjoyed your review. Very honest, informative and thorough. You should give a course on how to give a review. Really great, thanks!!


A very truthful and interesting review, I feel inspired....thank you. Keep the video's coming . All the best.


i've had the C3 version of this lathe for a couple of months, and despite every single design element being as cheap as legally possible, it's a great lathe to learn on, expecially for teaching you to use the tools correctly because in one way it's very unforgiving, but in another way it's a generous teacher, the slightest thing being off demands immediate attention - the slightest vibration sources, anything coming loose while you work, applying the tool at the wrong angle, tool edge gone dull etc etc - any errors and you'll get a catch or the peice stops turning, whining noises emanate etc. but it's forgiving because it's underpowered - you only get whining noises and catches from mistakes that would flick the peice out uncontrollably on a lathe with a more expensive levvels of torque. and if i do buy a lathe i know EXACTLY what to look for because it'll be everything that this falls short on this one
bare minimum, but that's all it needs to be. great value for money and i've already got some nice handles, honey drizzlers, porridge stirring sticks, candlesticks etc


Great review, just bought it i can't wait to start using it.
