A New Look at the Apollo 11 Landing Site

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Apollo 11 landed on the Moon on July 20th, 1969, a little after 4:00 in the afternoon Eastern Daylight Time. The Lunar Module, nicknamed Eagle and flown by Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, touched down near the southern rim of the Sea of Tranquility, one of the large, dark basins that contribute to the Man in the Moon visible from Earth. Armstrong and Aldrin spent about two hours outside the LM setting up experiments and collecting samples. At one point, Armstrong ventured east of the LM to examine a small crater, dubbed Little West, that he'd flown over just before landing.

The trails of disturbed regolith created by the astronauts' boots are still clearly visible in photographs of the landing site taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) narrow-angle camera (LROC) more than four decades later.

LROC imagery makes it possible to visit the landing site in a whole new way by flying around a three-dimensional model of the site. LROC scientists created the digital elevation model using a stereo pair of images. Each image in the pair shows the site from a slightly different angle, allowing sophisticated software to infer the shape of the terrain, similar to the way that left and right eye views are combined in the brain to produce the perception of depth.

The animator draped an LROC photograph over the terrain model. He also added a 3D model of the LM descent stage—the real LM in the photograph looks oddly flat when viewed at an oblique angle.

Although the area around the site is relatively flat by lunar standards, West Crater (the big brother of the crater visited by Armstrong) appears in dramatic relief near the eastern edge of the terrain model. Ejecta from West comprises the boulders that Armstrong had to avoid as he searched for a safe landing site.

Apollo 11 was the first of six increasingly ambitious crewed lunar landings. The exploration of the lunar surface by the Apollo astronauts, when combined with the wealth of remote sensing data now being returned by LRO, continues to inform our understanding of our nearest neighbor in space.

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As of this date, 2019, Buzz Aldrin is still alive to look up at the Moon at night and think about having been there - amazing...


Man, this is so obviously photoshoped. Like, you can see there's only one square, not the entire Moon. And I don't remember seeing any text or yellow arrows on the Moon either. 
100% Fake.

(yes, I am joking)


It's not even a real video. It's computer generated. I thought this was going to prove all these crazy conspiracy theorists wrong. But this video makes these theorists look like they might have a legit claim.


Thank you very much for posting these very beautiful views from the historical Moon landing site. It revived cherished childhood memories of mine while watching on tv in my country Argentina the live tv casts from the Moon, It was kind of being there overflying the site, a dream I still have to return to the moon and then go to explore other interesting places why not. Thanks a lot for your attention.


West Crater (0:44 far right) was one of the reasons Armstrong had a heart-rate in the 160's. How'd you like to have a minute of fuel left trying to get past that? Balls of steel!! Funny that Wiki lists it as a "small crater." Want to see the flyover? Go watch Apollo-11 Powered descent. Chills every time.


Seeing that conspiracy theorists would say. "Yeah maybe. But this also proved that the moon is flat!!!"


Waiting for the conspiracy "theorists"...


Truly remarkable seeing a piece of human history from this new perspective!!! One day this site will be a museum which thousands of space tourists will visit each day!


NASA, congratulations on your 45th anniversary of landing the Eagle on planet Earth's Moon and thank you for the enchanting Echo that keeps humming to explore further beyond ...


I love those images of the footprints made by the astronauts. It gets me by the throat. Imagine walking on the moon knowing the whole world was behind you, praying for you and cheering you on. It makes me sad, so sad that our astronauts before they died were so disrespected by some idiots, even hounding them. I know Buzz is still alive and I tell you right now I got the biggest thrill seeing him slug that jerk that kept getting in his face and calling him a liar. It's even sadder with all this evidence in front of them in stark detail and they will still deny it no matter what. Blind stupidity. I absolutely refuse to believe our astronauts were liars. Period.


Waiting for the tin foil hat crowd to denounce this as fake news. SMH


Can we do this for the South Polar Region and double the NASA budget.  After at least one NASA landing to test the Mars craft and see what is needed to mine the lunar water (H2O).  With the Lunar water will have the means to live and grow.  Also the Hydrogen  (2H2) can be used to mine the lunar gases; like He3 for use in the Body Scanners that the TSA is so fond of !  Then I can make the Vanderbuilts  and Rocketfellors look like paupers !

Lunar tourist please sign up early for if you wait the lunar workers will fill the seats.  Only about eighteen passenger seats per flight for the 24 Hour  Lunar Schuttle flight (LEO to lunar orbit) to the Lunar Outpost.  Please shower and use the rest rooms before boarding; your fellow passengers like that very much.  Also Dramamine (TM) is  at the company store.  Veteran  astronauts say they never use it; but there buddy's do all the time !

Back to the Moon to Stay and onto Mars,   tjl  Sent by  Win7Pro64  w/ADSL


you can see the skelleton of the man who was left on the moon still holding the camara


I am not a hater at all. But can someone pls explain why can't we see things that are left there by the astronauts every time we use a powerful telescope?


Why are the images of the site so small and grainy, considering that a satellite in Earth orbit, which is further away from the surface and through a distorting and dirty atmospherre can take far better photos.


Today we can see other galaxies, was expecting higher definition pics.


😂Y a pas à dire, c'est très très très convaincant!!!
Merci pour les modélisations 3d pour qu'on puisse être convaincu!
J'ai plus un seul doute. 🙌


50 years pass... nasa never think to send even once robot go back to apollo landing site take a photo and videos ( greatest legendary step of mankind ) for celebrate ? 😂😂😂


Looking at this, it seems that Neil could have landed a lot closer to West Crater than he did. If anything this terrain looks smoother than that of his chosen landing site.


