tinyML Talks - Theo Theocharides: Towards Ultra-Low Power Embedded Object Detection

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tinyML Talks webcast - recorded August 4, 2020
"Towards Ultra-Low Power Embedded Object Detection"
Theo Theocharides - University of Cyprus
Ravishankar Sivalingam (moderator) - Qualcomm

Visual edge intelligence is a growing necessity for emerging applications where real-time decision is vital. Object detection, the first step in such applications, achieved tremendous improvements in terms of accuracy due to the emergence of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Deep Learning. In this talk therefore, I will present our efforts to reduce the processing demands of edge-based CNN inference, via inclusion of a hierarchical framework that enables to detect objects in high-resolution video frames, and maintain the accuracy of state-of-the-art CNN-based object detectors, validated on UAV platforms in various applications involving car and pedestrian detection.
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