When to Sign Up for Medicare - Avoid a Delay in Coverage
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#1 When to Sign up for Medicare - Initial Enrollment Period 1:09
It’s the most common enrollment period because everyone turning 65 is eligible to sign up for Medicare during this period of time. This is when you have to decide if you need /want Part A only or both Part A and Part B. Keep in mind, Part A is usually “premium free” if you worked and paid Medicare taxes (10 Years). So, most people will sign up for Part A during the IEP. However, Part B isn’t premium free, so there are some factors to consider when making your decision about Medicare enrollment in Part B.
1) Are you still covered under an employer sponsored group health insurance plan?
2) Are you covered under employer sponsored group health insurance, with an employer that has fewer than 20 employees?
If so, Medicare generally pays first. And, your small employer would be the secondary payer.
3) Are you leaving your employer sponsored group health insurance and joining the employer’s retiree plan?
4) Are you ending your current health coverage when you turn 65…(either employer, Cobra, Affordable Care, etc.)?
The decision to enroll in Medicare Part B is important, because when you apply for Part B, you activate your one time Medigap Open Enrollment Period.
Once you know which Parts of Medicare you want, then you can apply for Medicare during your Initial Enrollment Period. This period begins three months before your birthday month, includes your birthday month, and the 3 months after your birthday month.
When you sign up during the first three months or your Initial Enrollment Period, in most cases, your coverage starts on the first day of your birthday month. However, if your birthday is on the first day of the month, then your Medicare coverage will start the first day of the prior month.
If you choose to apply for Medicare during the month you turn 65, or during the last 3 months of your Initial Enrollment Period, the start date for your Medicare coverage will be delayed.
# 2 When to sign up for Medicare - Special Enrollment Period 6:45
The Special Enrollment Period is available when you stop working or your employer-sponsored health insurance ends. The Special Enrollment Period begins the month after the employment ends or the coverage ends (whichever happens first) and lasts for 8 months.
Keep in mind, COBRA and Retiree Health Plans are NOT considered coverage based on current employment. So, you’re not eligible for the Special Enrollment Period when that coverage ends.
# 3 When to sign up for Medicare - General Enrollment Period 7:55
The General Enrollment Period is only available from January 1 - March 31 every year, and your Part B coverage doesn’t start until July 1 of that year.
When to sign up for Medicare - Bonus Information
Bonus # 1 - Automatic Medicare Enrollment
Most people who receive Social Security benefits, before turning 65, are automatically enrolled in Medicare.
In most cases, you'll automatically get Part A and Part B starting the first day of the month you turn 65 or the month prior if your birthday is the 1st day of the month.
If you receive your Medicare card but don't need (or want) Part B because you’re still covered under a group employer health plan, then you can return the card to Medicare.
Bonus # 2 Medigap Open Enrollment Period
The Medigap Open Enrollment Period is a one time enrollment opportunity that allows you to buy a Medicare Supplement plan without medically qualifying. It lasts for 6 months from your Part B effective date. Once the Medigap Enrollment period ends, in most cases, you’ll have to medically qualify for a Medigap plan.
If you have a retiree health plan along with Part A and Part B, then you probably activated the Medigap Open Enrollment period and it’s no longer available. So, if you lose the Retiree Health Plan, you will have to medically qualify for a Medicare Supplement plan or exercise your Guaranteed Issue Right if it’s available to you.
Bonus # 3 Medicare Part D (drug) Plan Enrollment
You can sign up for a Medicare Part D drug plan during the following periods of time:
Initial Enrollment Period
Special Enrollment Period
Annual Election Period (Oct 15 - Dec 7)