The Case for Economic Justice: President Bill Clinton and David Gregory

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The Case for Economic Justice: Mobility, Opportunity, and America's Growth

President Bill Clinton, Founding Chairman, Clinton Global Initiative; 42nd President of the United States

David Gregory, Moderator, "Meet the Press", NBC News

Despite the steady drop in unemployment following the Great Recession, the concept of economic recovery remains a distant idea that is separated from the daily reality of the lives of many Americans. For the estimated one in three Americans who live at—or close to—the poverty line, the case for focusing on economic and social mobility is both personal and urgent. While some see poverty reduction as a philanthropic endeavor rather than a business imperative, economists increasingly believe that upward mobility enhances growth. This session will begin with a presentation illustrating critical trends, and then invite audience members and panelists to participate in a town hall forum in which they will exchange ideas on strategies that can achieve a just, sustainable, and prosperous future.

• What are the most critical interventions necessary to reverse persistent inequality? How do issues of mobility and poverty impact the work of all CGI America participants -- even those focused on topics like energy and infrastructure?
• How does poverty impact mobility for American families? How are stronger communities, access to high-quality education, and connection to the financial system enhancing access to opportunity?
• What is the business case for taking action to increase economic opportunity among low-income Americans? What outcomes are resulting from private sector efforts to address the opportunity gap—for businesses as well as individuals?

Рекомендации по теме

Inflation, high housing costs and stagnating wages are a real problem across the western world, especially for younger workers.


Should have kept the balanced budget act.


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