how to play 'Back in Black' on guitar by AC/DC - rhythm guitar LESSON

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An electric guitar lesson on how to play Back in Black by AC/DC. The album was produced by Mutt Lange and the parts are all really tight which reflect his perfectionist approach.

Thanks for watching. Cheers
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Terrific tone man! I heard an interview once with Angus where the interviewer asked him what it was like being the best guitarist alive. His answer was, "hell man, I'm not even the best guitarist in this band!" Malcolm was like gorilla glue for these guys. He was the pulse that kept everything moving. Never given nearly the credit he by the person who recognized his talent the most.


I have been playing 30 years so I am not new to this and I consider myself a good guitarist but this guy is hands down the best instructor on YouTube. I always learn something from him. So many things I had been playing wrong that he has helped me correct. Great ear!


This guys the real deal. Ive been playing 25 yrs (15 professionally) and occasionally i like to learn songs for fun. I always come here to make sure im getting it right, because i KNOW he gets it right, every time. Great ear, great way of teaching, a guy i wish i knew personally. I would definitely love to sit down and have coffee with this guy and pick his brain. Absolutely my favorite channel on YouTube by a country mile. Thank you sir.


This guy is definitely one of the finest teachers on you tube. He is so calm while playing, I, on the other hand, am resisting the urge to pull my guitar strings off like a bow and arrow. I am envious of your poise sir. You are an awesome teacher, and I am so happy to have found your channel!!!


Nobody in YouTube teaching guitar comes closer to this Canadian. Kudos brother!!!


Never in my 16 years of life would I have though I’d be playing this song; and now here I am, I’ve been playing for for a year and I’m rocking out to ac/dc. Bless you brother.


Old g - head here. Been playing 40+ years. Good to see newer generations carrying the torch. Wish this sort off thing was available in my early years - (I think) ...the journey would have been quicker.!

Nice work shutup and play... Those wanting to learn, watch this guy..


These are amazing tutorials.  You do the song (well), then get right down to business with no unnecessary yak.  You deliver with the casual authority of a pro, but also with patience and understanding for those of us just struggling along.  It really helps that you continue to do riffs at different tempos, even as you are explaining stuff.  I like the tossed in background notes on the bands and their techniques and quirks.  Also useful are the comments on hand and finger mechanics.  Great stuff, and thanks!


Keep doing it “for the guys that don’t” know... love it. You’re the best teacher on YT.


I am now 61, got my first guitar at age six, 55 years of playing and I still enjoy the hell out of this channel.


Always great lessons and so glad you are on the mend!! I am sure everyone of your subscribers was praying for you. You have definitely impacted many lives by sharing your talent


No Bullshit, You are the Man!! Absolutely the best Teacher I've been able to learn from. Licks, strumming, chords ect.. you have a way about you that makes learning guitar even that much more fun & til I started watching your channel I would not have guessed that to be possible! Rock On Brother


I got to say you're about the best lesson guy I've ever seen on the internet you explain things thoroughly and fairly clearly awesome job


I've been playing guitar for 30 years and always amazed and aggravated by how so many of my brethren overlook the nuances of these old tunes; the phrase "it's close enough for rock n' roll" makes my skin crawl! I know I sound like a snob, but I'm not - I've long since learned to keep a lot of that to myself when working with other guitarists! At any rate, I'm a perfectionist and strive for accuracy. These lessons are terrific. You really capture the details of these tunes, even Back in Black, which many learn right when they're beginning, but never quite play it right.

Your teaching style is outstanding. I can't stand it when I click on a "lesson" and the guy drones on & on, often including information that could really be left aside (especially for experienced players). I love that you include a full demo separate from the explanation. Shut up and play indeed!

Please keep up the stellar work!


Finally I got that riff at the beginning right! It's that whole thing you mention about pulling off downward to not hit that b string! You sir are always on the money and I picked yours out of everyone else to see if I could get the correct teaching on that riff. Thank you!


This is the best tutor on the Internet. Helps me with my dementia from old age. I still remember the 60s. Therefore, I have forgotten a lot of songs. Helps me remember them quickly and accurately.


Excellent lessons. I've been playing a part of this wrong for 36 years and your little section at 11.15 has now rectified my error.


By far the best Back in Black tutorial I've ever seen and I've watched plenty, probably the best simplest way to play it.What a brilliant teacher.Power to you, thanks makes learning a pleasure.


Great great class. Even the smallest details on how hands should be placed. I’m grateful to you. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💯💯💯


I really enjoy your talent and passion for playing, but I especially enjoy your teaching insight and ability...fantastic lesson...I also really like that you have taken the time to get the timbre correct when you teach your lessons...
