Burn Down This Place [FNaF ANIMATION VIDEO] FNaF Security Breach Song by @ShawnChristmas

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A NEW FNAF song "Burn Down This Place" based on Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) Security Breach by Shawn Christmas FNAF Animation

Written/Produced/Mixed/Mastered by @ShawnChristmas

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This is the first Shawn Christmas song I've heard, and I've gotta say, I like it. His style is very different from Nate's but still somehow fits right in on Give Heart. I love his singing style, hope to hear more from him.


This helps prove that FNAF songs will never die


I still feel Burntrap's hypnotic gaze and this song is burnt into my mind and the chance of recovery is low.


Another fnaf banger, the background gives chills


He’s back at last! He’s true to his words! He always comes back!


This song is literally so hypnotic. The first time I listened to this, something in my brain just *clicked* and I haven't been able to go a single day without listening to this song. Literally just shot up in my list of favourite songs ever.


Honestly, even though Afton is a bit of a polarizing character, I like what they did with him. The fact he always comes back gives him an almost otherworldly and terrifying feeling, a feeling that this one man could have both so much hatred and determination in him that he could cheat death not once, twice, but three times.


I don't know why, but this song makes me feel so sad. Like... really sad.
I've been thinking about it a lot lately. The times when first FNaF came out. Everything was so different. And after every game, after every book, I was afraid that everything would end. This song makes me think that we are all still here, but we have changed and the game has changed too. I'm happy, but I'm sad.
See you all on the flipside.


What I love about this song is it that it can literally fit any major character like afton. Hell, this could even fit Henry, Cassidy, Even Michael if you believe in the glammike theory or somehow believe he’s involved. A really great song, really!


we need to bring back the time where FNAF music was popular on youtube.


I'll be 100% honest.
For now this is the best Fnaf song i have ever Heard.
And probabbly one of the best i have ever heard


This song sounds so awesome!! The music and vocals are absolutely amazing!!


Anyone else try to guess the lyrics to a song & when you watch the lyric video it sounds completely different?? I swear that’s me majority of the time lol.


This song makes it seem more like a Burntrap and Gregory mixed, this is my thought but most of the lyrics seems like something Gregory would say, and it seems more understandable. The lyric "Tell me that I'm your superstar" just makes it seem like its Gregory, and the lyrics of saying that someone being locked inside walls and trying to find escape, could be either Gregory, the one who was locked inside an entire Pizzaplex, or Burntrap, who was trapped inside the "Old Pizzeria" (Pizzeria Sim.) for who knows how long. Y'know I might be thinking way to far ahead into this, but I'm just hella creative, mostly with every song I listen to I just try and piece the lyrics together. But y'know, song literally rocks ngl. BUT ANYWAY, STAY CREATIVE, AND ILL SEE YOU ON THE FLIPSIDE<3


I was having a bad mood but seeing this masterpiece showing up definitly ligh up my day !


It's super amazing for Afton's eyes to flicker in sync with the hard beats! Love that attention to detail :)


Maybe I was never lost
아마도 난 길을 잃은 적 없을 지도 몰라
Just trapped in a maze of the mind
그저 마음의 미로 속에 갇혔을 뿐
Needed to escape at any cost
어떤 대가를 치루더라도 탈출할 필요가 있어
Save the souls trapped inside
안에 갇혀 있는 영혼들을 구해
Where could I ever go from here?
내가 여기서 어디로 갈 수 있을까?
When my home is in these walls
내 집이 이 벽들 안에 있을 때
Somehow I don't feel alone
왜인지 난 외롭지가 않아
Hiding among these halls
이 복도들 사이에 숨으며

I may not know my name, I'm broken all the same
나는 내 이름을 모를 지도 몰라, 그래도 난 망가졌어
Put me back in my place, where you make me feel safe
날 제 자리로 돌려 놓아 줘, 네가 날 안심시켜 주는 곳으로
Don't have the time to play, these games of death and rage
이 죽음과 분노의 게임을, 할 시간은 없어
Feel like I've gone insane, help me escape
내가 미친 것 같아, 날 탈출하게 도와 줘

Are we all just animatronic souls? (Souls)
우리 모두 그저 애니마트로닉스 영혼들일 뿐일까? (영혼들)
Lost and don't know where to go (go)
길을 잃고 어디로 가야할 지 몰라 (가야할 지)
Can see emotion through the frame (frame)
틀을 통해 감정을 볼 수 있어 (틀)
Can feel the gravity of pain
고통의 심각성을 느낄 수 있어

Security comes at a cost
보안은 대가를 치뤄야 하지
With these machines all trapped inside
안에 갇힌 이 모든 기계들과 함께
Built from souls of the lost
길 잃은 영혼들로 지어진 건물
Bloodthirsty by design
피에 굶주린 설계

Will things ever change?
상황이 바뀔 수나 있을까?
When it all seems to end the same
모든 게 똑같이 끝날 것 같을 때
Another life has been claimed
또 다른 생명이 요구되었지
They can't get away, it can't be all in vain
그들은 빠져 나갈 수 없어, 그것 전부 헛되이 되게 둘 수 없어

I may not know my name, I'm broken all the same
나는 내 이름을 모를 지도 몰라, 그래도 난 망가졌어
Put me back in my place, where you make me feel safe
날 제 자리로 돌려 놓아 줘, 네가 날 안심시켜 주는 곳으로
Don't have the time to play, these games of death and rage
이 죽음과 분노의 게임을, 할 시간은 없어
Feel like I've gone insane, help me escape (help me escape)
내가 미친 것 같아, 날 탈출하게 도와 줘 (날 탈출하게 도와 줘)

Run away, run away (-ay, -ay)
도망쳐, 도망쳐 (쳐, 쳐)
Run away from the pain
고통으로부터 도망쳐
Run away, run away (-ay, -ay)
도망쳐, 도망쳐 (쳐, 쳐)
Run away from the pain
고통으로부터 도망쳐
Tell me I'll be okay
내가 괜찮을 거라 말해 줘
Under pressure won't break
압박을 받아도 부숴지지 말고
And make no mistake, I'll find my way, my way
실수를 하지도 말고, 난 내 길을 찾을 거야, 내 길을

I don't feel safe here in this place
난 이 장소에서 안심하지 못해
Far from my home by some mistake
조금의 실수로 집에서 멀리 떨어졌어
Locked in these walls and time feels fake
이 벽에 갇혀 시간이 가짜처럼 느껴져
My insecurities break me
내 불안감이 날 부숴뜨려
Tell me that I'm your superstar
내가 너의 슈퍼스타라고 말해 줘
I'll hold those words true to my heart
난 그 말을 내 마음 속에 담아둘 거야
Together we've made it this far
함께 우리는 지금까지 해내 왔어
Burn down this place, let time restart
이 장소를 불태워 무너뜨려, 그리고 다시 시작해

All we close just animatronic souls?
우리 전부가 그저 애니마트로닉스 영혼들만 닫을까?
Lost and don't know where to go
길을 잃고 어디로 가야할 지 몰라
Can see emotion through the frame
틀을 통해 감정을 볼 수 있어
Can feel the gravity of pain
고통의 심각성을 느낄 수 있어

Run away, run away (-ay, -ay)
도망쳐, 도망쳐 (쳐, 쳐)
Run away from the pain
고통으로부터 도망쳐
Run away, run away (-ay, -ay)
도망쳐, 도망쳐 (쳐, 쳐)
Run away from the pain
고통으로부터 도망쳐
Tell me I'll be okay
내가 괜찮을 거라 말해 줘
Under pressure won't break
압박을 받아도 부숴지지 말고
And make no mistake, I'll find my way (only way)
실수를 하지도 말고, 난 내 길을 찾을 거야 (유일한 길을)

I don't feel safe here in this place
난 이 장소에서 안심하지 못해
Far from my home by some mistake
조금의 실수로 집에서 멀리 떨어졌어
Locked in these walls and time feels fake
이 벽에 갇혀 시간이 가짜처럼 느껴져
My insecurities break me
내 불안감이 날 부숴뜨려
Tell me that I'm your superstar
내가 너의 슈퍼스타라고 말해 줘
I'll hold those words true to my heart
난 그 말을 내 마음 속에 담아둘 거야
Together we've made it this far
함께 우리는 지금까지 해내 왔어
Burn down this place, let time restart
이 장소를 불태워 무너뜨려, 그리고 다시 시작해


Thinking from a fantasy setting, Springtrap is a lich further ascending in power and influence.


My headphones are blessed--... I love the second verse with my heart!!


“You can try to get rid of me, but I always come back.” -William Afton
