Commonly asked Interview Question- Merge Two Sorted Arrays(With and without extra space)

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Merge Two Sorted Arrays is an important interview question asked in companies like Microsoft, Adobe, Google, Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Oracle, etc.
Topic - Arrays, Sorting
In this problem, we are given two sorted arrays of size N+M and M respectively. The task is to merge the arrays into one single array without extra space.
Logic -
1. The arr1 is of size N+M and arr2 is of size M, let variable k = N+M-1, i=n-1, and j=m-1.
2. The idea is to follow the same approach as the Merge process of Merge Sort.
a. Compare arr1[i] and arr2[j], until i and j are greater then equal to 0
i. if arr1[i] is greater then arr2[j], then in arr1[k] insert arr1[i]
ii. else in arr1[k] insert arr2[j]
b. If i is not zero then copy arr1[i] in arr1[k] till i becomes 0.
c. If j is not zero then copy arr2[j] in arr1[k] till j becomes 0.
Topic - Arrays, Sorting
In this problem, we are given two sorted arrays of size N+M and M respectively. The task is to merge the arrays into one single array without extra space.
Logic -
1. The arr1 is of size N+M and arr2 is of size M, let variable k = N+M-1, i=n-1, and j=m-1.
2. The idea is to follow the same approach as the Merge process of Merge Sort.
a. Compare arr1[i] and arr2[j], until i and j are greater then equal to 0
i. if arr1[i] is greater then arr2[j], then in arr1[k] insert arr1[i]
ii. else in arr1[k] insert arr2[j]
b. If i is not zero then copy arr1[i] in arr1[k] till i becomes 0.
c. If j is not zero then copy arr2[j] in arr1[k] till j becomes 0.
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