ATS-25 DSP receiver CQ WorldWide SSB DX Contest 20 meter band scan shortwave

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using the MLA 30 loop and tuning around the 20 meter band with many signals from the USA and Europe
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Thank you, Gilles, for a fun video regarding the 20 meter band ham radio operators communicating back & forth with the BFO access allowing SSB clarity! The ATS-25 is both looking and sounding good!


Mine came in yesterday. This is amazing receiver for the money. Thanks for introducing me to it on a previous video


I know, I was just on in it from 20 to 10 meters all bands, and the non contest
WARC bands. The best conditions in
years. I contacted many European 🇪🇺
and Caribbean stations, plus D4F, Cape
Verde Island off Africa, with my ICOM
IC-705, with 10 watts, AH-705 Tuner, and
A Windcamp WA4 Off Center Fed Windom
antenna from my apartment terrace to the
nearby wooded area. I listened to CB on
27 Mhz and above and it was very active,
AM and SSB, plus around 27, 775, I heard
a station using British CB on FM too. Ray,
W2CH New Hampshite.


Very cool radio, , it ain't perfect but has a lot of character. Ali express has them for 78 bucks now with 12 bucks shipping. Ordered one and a MLA 30+ thanks to your videos. Thank you, , , subscribed


I am quite impressed with the BFO - Fine tuning. It works very well. If I purchase this radio in the future, my antenna for it will be a 2 meter (146MHz) antenna I had built from an SO-239 chassis connector and about 19 inch elements from metal coat hanger wire hanging in my attic. It will be interesting to see how well this antenna would work with this radio. However, I plan to try a Tecsun PL-330 first (to be ordered in the near future). I just hope it will not be hard to find an adapter that can mate a PL-259 male connector to a 3.5mm/1/8 male mini plug to the PL-330. Also, I do have an internal strong electrical noise problem to deal with.


I really like the way that radio Functions and looks. Should I buy one and add it to my collection?


I have strong FM signals in my area, would a FM Notch help? I don't need another thing that gets FM, i want all the other stuff! I have a Discone, and a SDRPlay now, and I would like to have a better radio that is 'simpler' than setting up all the software.


What antenna were u using with the ats25?
